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Fish and vegetable symbiosis technology adopted in Dazu
作者: Mao Qiao 來源:Hualong net 時間:2020-06-15 09:35:27責編:Ye Xi

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- On June 9, farmers in Suiyuan Cultivation Cooperative, Qiaoting Village, Longhsui Town, Dazu District were picking swamp cabbage grown on the fishpond. The cooperative adopts the “fish and vegetable symbiosis technology”, that is, to grow vegetables on the surface and raise fish in the water. The vegetables planted solve the problem of water oxidation of the fishpond, and the fish manure provides sufficient nutrients for vegetables, which not only can get double harvests in one water, but also achieve the ecological goal of zero discharge of cultivation tail water. (Photographed by Zhong Zhibin/Vision Chongqing (Translated by Mao Qiao, Fathom Language Limited)





