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[專稿] 牛房倉庫——GRENZENLOS

藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-07-28 16:56:24 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

  BORDERS: A Musical Exploration
  GRENZENLOS concert in Macao

  "GRENZENLOS"將於2008年8月7日在牛房倉庫開Show! 音樂會將音樂演出結合建築空間和畫廊的現場展覽, 大玩互動, 探索藝術創作的多元界限。"GRENZENLOS"標誌著音樂組織GRENZENLO于東亞區的首度登場, 為觀眾獻演他們重要的當代新音樂作品。

  GRENZENLOS的五名國際音樂人,聯同來自香港的著名實驗音樂創作人李勁松(Dickson Dee),將會為你帶來震憾性的演出。

  Borders, to be staged at Ox warehouse on August 7st 2008, aims to explore the borders of artistic creation through the interaction between musical performance, architectural space and gallery exhibits. Borders marks Grenzenlos' debut in East Asia. The group will present a programme of new, important works from its contemporary repertoire.

  Five international musicians from Grenzenlos and guests Dickson Dee (Laptop) will perform.

  日期 / Date::07/08/2008(星期四/Thursday)20:00
  地點 / Venue:牛房倉庫 Ox warehouse
  售價地點/ Tickets:牛房倉庫Oxwarehouse、邊度有書Pinto Livros (28 330909)
  票價:MOP$80 (牛房之友、邊度有書之友及學生可享MOP$65票價優惠,購票時須出示有效證件)
  Price: MOP$80 (Special ticket purchase at MOP$65 are open for Friends of Ox WareHouse, Pinto Livros and students. Please present valid ID during purchase)
  現場不設劃位 Seats are not assigned



  GRENZENLOS計劃將以小規模、長時期及以方案為基礎的形式探索突破西方與東方觀念差異的局限、音樂之間的界限、以及(據Rajesh Mehta的描述)豐富與複雜的個體與集體間的關係,期望建立新的音樂語言。這個組織尋求將個體、公共以及網路,特別是非西方國家之間緊密聯結的方式,最終將整個工作重新選擇在亞洲中部,來進行長期的活動計劃。並且GRENZENLOS計劃建立傳統與新音樂、器樂與電子音樂、數字多媒體藝術之間的橋梁;促進推廣音樂會、演講和workshop與不同音樂節、藝術中心及大學的活動。



  Grenzenlos is an organization dedicated to promoting innovative music collaborations across the world, with bases in New York, Hamburg and Melbourne and consisting of 18 members and researchers from 9 countries. Grenzenlos, which means “limitedless” or “borderless” in German, has a focus on using innovative music and contemporary music as an important platform for intercultural dialogue. The organization develops long-term exchange projects not only in Austria, Australia and USA, but also in China and India.

  Grenzenlos aims to, through small scale yet long term collaborative projects, explore across boundaries the differences between eastern and western thoughts, different music forms, as well as the enriching and complex relationship between each individual and the collective. The objective: to create new musical language(s). Trying to foster close collaborations between individuals, the public and network, particularly between nonwestern countries, Grenzenlos re-focuses its long-term projects on middle Asia. It also seeks to forge a bridge between traditional and new music, between instrumental and electrical music, and between digital multi-media arts. Besides, it produces and promotes a wide range of activities such as music show, speech delivery, workshop, also collaborating with different music festivals, art centers and universities on various projects.

  In the coming days Grenzenlos will continue to sponsor intercultural and inter-artistic exchange projects in different countries and regions.


  演出者 / Performer:
  Olivia De Prato- violin (Austria/ US)
  William Lane - viola (Australia)
  Nenad Markovic- trombone (Serbia)
  Markus Sepperer- oboe (Austria)
  Eugene Ughetti- percussion (Australia)
  Dickson dee - electronics (Hong Kong)
  節目查詢 / Program inquiry:(853)28 530026
  節目網站 / Program website:http://oxwarehouse.blogspot.com/
  主辦 / Organized by:婆仔屋藝術空間 Old Ladies Art Space
  場地提供Venue provided by:民政總署IACM
  贊助 / Sponsored by:
  霍英東基金會 Foundação Henry Fok;
  Arts and Culture Outreach (ACO), Hong Kong;
  Arts Victoria, Australia;
  Australian Consulate General, Hong Kong;
  Austrian Consulate General, Hong Kong ;
  Australia-China Council, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade;
  Dawei Charitable Foundation; Hong Kong;
  Koninkrijk der Nederlanden; Beijing;
  Novi Sad Municipal Government; Serbian Cultural Ministry;
  Noise Asia

  牛房倉庫Ox warehouse
  地址 / Address : 澳門美副將大馬路與罅些喇提督大馬路交界
  No Cruzamento entro a Avenida Do coronel Mesquita e a Avenida Almirante Lacerda Macau
  開放時間 / Opening time:(12:00 ~ 19:00, 逢星期二休息 / Closed on Tuesdays)
  查詢 / For enquiry:28530026
  E –mail:oxwarehosue@gmail.com
  巴士路線 / Bus Line : 1,1A,3,3A,4,5,6,7,8,8A,9,9A,16,17,23,25,26,26A,28C,32,33,34

Olivia De Prato- violin (Austria/ US)

William Lane - viola (Australia)

Nenad Markovic- trombone (Serbia)

Daniel Ploeger- trombone (Netherlands)

Markus Sepperer- oboe (Austria)

Eugene Ughetti- percussion (Australia)

Samson Young- video/sound/composition (Hong Kong)

Dickson dee - electronics (Hong Kong)


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