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[專稿] 食物及庇護所

藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-07-28 11:44:28 | 文章來源: 藝術中國






  Group Exhibition at PÉKIN FINE ARTS To include works by:
  Bai Yiluo, Jiang Di, Lian Dongya, Nadav Kander, Neville Mars, Sheng Tianhong, Wang Gongxin, Wang Jin, Wang Qingsong, Weng Fen, Zhang Huan, Zhang O
  Is art creation a basic need?

  In fact, basic survival instincts are often the impetus for artists’ work.

  Consciously or unconsciously an exploration of our relationship with food and shelter is a common theme underlying many art works. And images of food and shelter resurface again and again. To varying degrees we all exist in a continuous state of anxiety, instinctually seeking food and shelter. Real life imposes its harsh conditions. And we are reminded that art-making comes from the small daily rituals of every day survival.

  These artists create works of disparate medium, size, color and concept. However, they all hang together on the basis of food and shelter as universal instinct and artist’s prop. These artworks also raise questions of motivations for consumption vs. the ethics of conservation, and the difference between what is nice to have and what is a must-have.

  Without adequate food, shelter and water supplies, simple survival is a challenge. The question we may ask ourselves is if shelter is a safe haven, is art also a safe haven?

  Pékin Fine Arts
  email: fubi@pekinfinearts.com fubiart@gmail.com
  T + 8610 5127 3220
  M + 86 13466640098

Bai Yiluo - Camouflage Jackets 3 s

birds eye view new beijing no.1

Lian Dongya-Under Construction I 001

Neville Mars -Rock Installation 04

Sheng Tianhong-Klavier

Wang Gongxin-Dinner Table 01

Wang Jin - My Tooth 002

zhango-Electric Helicopter is Fun

zhango-Everybody Loves A Good Child


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