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[專稿] 水晶島-宮澤賢冶的hom mage

藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-05-15 17:12:29 | 文章來源: 藝術中國


  [水晶島 宮澤賢冶的hom mage] 的寄語

  畠 健一


  『以水晶島 宮澤賢冶的hom mage 命名的倉貫徹的世界。』



  幾億萬年前,地球的岩漿從地心向地表活動,其中含有二氧化硅的岩漿鑽入泥土,岩石中的空穴,慢慢結晶成為今日之水晶,水晶的主要成分是二氧化硅,化學式為SiO2。具有雙折射的特點,我們的地球幾億年前,在這水晶體之上,形成了海洋,【水晶】也可以説是【水的精靈】成為了海洋的基岩,是偶然 ?還是必然 ?在原始的海洋中産生出了生命,然後開始了進化的旅程。在這作為水晶體舞臺的地球上,偉大的進化演繹從此轟轟烈烈的展開了。

  把水晶切割成小細條後,通電後通過調節電壓,自身便會産生振動,其頻率是地球繞太陽一週31536000分之一,換言之正確到1秒,以水晶製造的鐘錶,就是利用這一原理。因為水晶振蕩的頻率穩定,用來傳遞記號誤差很少。由於水晶晶片的振蕩極精準,且極有規律,除了可用來作電子錶的時間控制外,還可以執行電腦的精密計算更可用來作電腦間鉅大訊息的傳輸。預知地震,能量擴大Amplify 能源通過水晶能夠增強而頻率不變,利用水晶進行占卜算卦也是因為水晶具有預知功能。

  倉貫徹以前發表了以水晶原石為中心的波動庭院命名的作品,然後在2007年發表了『水晶島 宮澤賢冶的hom mage』的作品。倉貫徹的敏感度也更上了一層,這和感受到了從水晶體中得到的波動能量是分不開的。從半球體的水晶組合中,看到了閃耀著生命的光輝。

  夜空中繁星點點 水面上波光粼粼




  (畠 健一 寶石研究家•JBS校長)

  On the Occasion of “Homage to Kenji Miyazawa - Crystal Island”

  Ken’ichi Hata

  Director, Japan Jewelry Business School

  Through particular combinations of hemispheres of crystal, somehow the work emanates a mysterious aura. Could I be the only one who senses how different it is from the lackluster light produced by our increasingly digitized modern world?

  The world of Toru Kuranuki, called “Homage to Kenji Miyazawa - Crystal Island”.

  In the spaces between the hemispheres, here and there, rubies, sapphires and diamonds show their faces.

  Looking at these pieces one by one, it comes to me that this mysterious aura could well be the aura of the earth itself.

  And then we are guided gently toward memories of eternity.

  At the time of the earth’s creation, the heavy elements fell toward the earth’s interior, and lightweight elements such as oxygen (O) and silicon (Si) were left on the surface.

  Eventually, oxygen and silicon paired successfully and became quartz crystal (SiO2).

  The surface of our earth is covered with crystals.

  The surface of the earth - it’s a crystal ball.

  Forty billion years ago, the oceans formed on this crystal ball. “Crystal”, also known as “water spirit”, is the foundation under our oceans.

  By chance? By necessity? . . . Primeval life was born in the sea . . .

  And so began the magnificent evolutionary drama of vibrantly living things, on this crystal-ball stage that is our earth.

  A crystal, when finely cut down, can generate a natural vibration frequency via the piezoelectric effect. This vibration is one 31,536,000th of the earth’s rotation around the sun, that is to say, an accurate measurement of one second. The quartz-type transmission clock, or quartz clock, applies this principle. Scientists call it electromagnetism, and the religious refer to it as hado (vibration). Humankind has without a doubt evolved amid the electromagnetism of crystals. Just as animals are sensitive to electromagnetic waves and know when an earthquake is coming, surely there have been people with special gifts who, sensing some disaster in the electromagnetic waves of the crystals that cover the earth’s surface, could foretell the occurrence of changes in the natural world. This is where crystal energy and crystal fortunetelling have their beginnings.

  Toru Kuranuki previously exhibited works focused on raw quartz crystal, entitled “Vibration Garden”.

  Then in 2007, after a long hiatus, he presented “Homage to Kenji Miyazawa - Crystal Island”.

  There can be no doubt that Toru Kuranuki’s sensitivity is one that realizes ever-greater evolutionary progress and is receptive to the vibrations of the earth.

  The trueness of the gently swaying glimmers, emanating from the combinations of hemispherical crystals, has become visible.

  The sparkling of stars in the night sky. . . The sparkling of water. . .

  It is the shining of the stars in the night sky that have watched over the earth since its formation, and the shining of the waters that have moistened the cracked land and given hope of life to all living things that dwell on the earth’s face.

  From the works of Toru Kuranuki, interpretations of wild dances of beautiful light have begun to pour forth, one after the other, through the combinations of crystal hemispheres, much as the earth creates a deep red sunset or a hope-filled rainbow.

  That light so beautifully shoots through to the sensitivity that lies in our innermost depths. And there we cannot help but feel, in the same way that Kenji Miyazawa felt, the absolute will of nature.

  風水庭園倉貫徹藝術作品展 開幕儀式
  開 幕 式:2008年5月16日 15:30
  地 址:朱屺瞻藝術館
  10:00-17:00 (16:30停止售票) 逢星期一休館
  聯繫電話:+86 21 56710742 56710741

  Zhu Qizhan Art Museum is delighted to invite you on May 16th at 3.30 PM to the opening of the exhibition:
  Feng Shui Crystal Gardenart worksToru Kuranuki
  Address: Zhu Qizhan Art Museum
  No. 580 Ouyang Road.
  Exhibition Period: May 16 – 25, 2008
  Opening hour: 10: 00-17: 00
  (Last entry 16: 30, Close on Monday)
  Tel: +86 21 56710742,56710741


  1948 出生於大阪府


  1969 畫廊宮崎(大阪)

  1971 [屋上展〕自家展廳(大阪)

  1974 信農橋畫廊(大阪)`77 `79 `86 `87

  1975 [版畫主體個展〕由紀歐卡瓦畫廊

  1976 petei畫廊(大阪)

  1978 sadofuroa畫廊(京都)

  1982-84 雕刻畫夢(大阪)

  1985 adeso畫廊(蘆屋), bazu收藏室(神戶)

  1989 I.C.C., Paribas,Nine Arts Gallery(andwnbu柏林)

  1990 Pamela Aushincloss Gallery (紐約 美國)

  1990-2002 kuranuki-畫廊(大阪)

  2007 『水晶島 宮澤賢冶的hom mage』 藝術畫廊展示會(大阪)


  1968 [第3次每日美術大賽展〕京都市美術館(京都)[第21次蘆屋市展〕`69(兵庫)


  1969 [具體美術新人展]具體pinakoteka(大阪)[次元`69展]京都市美術館(京都)


  1970 [京都anndepandan展〕京都市美術館(京都)`71 `75 `77



  1972 [作為同一事件的偶然性 、〕道頓堀街頭活動(大阪)

  1973 [中之島中央公會堂〕展(大阪)

  1974 [今日的方法`73展〕京都市美術館(京都)`74

  1975 [第11回現代日本美術展〕東京都美術館,京都市美術館(東京/京都)


  1977 [化石展〕信農橋畫廊(大阪)[現代版畫大賽展]大阪府民畫廊`77(大阪)


  1985 [形態和概念1/20]藝術會場•nosufuto(大阪)

  2004 [6人的作家/articulation2004]atokoto藝術畫廊(大阪)


1948 Born in Osaka

Solo Exhibitions

1969 Toru Kuranuki, Gallery Miyazaki, Osaka

1971 Solo Exhibition at the home roof, Osaka

1974 Toru Kuranuki, Shinanobashi Gallery, Osaka (’77,’79, '81, '86, '87)

1975 Toru Kuranuki-Print, Gallery Yuki Ogawa

1982 Toru Kuranuki, Gamu Sculpture Gallery, Osaka ('83, '84)

1985 Image and Concept, Adesso Gallery

1989 Three exhibitions in Antwerp: I.C.C., Paribas, Nine Arts Gallery, Antwerp, Bergium

1990 Toru Kuranuki, Pamela Auchincloss Gallery, New York

1990-2002 Toru Kuranuki, Gallery Kuranuki, Osaka

2007 Crystal Island, ARTCOURT Gallery, Osaka

Group Exhibitions

1968 The Third Mainichi Bijutsu Competition, Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, Kyoto

The 21st Ashiya City Exhibition, Hyogo (’69)

7 Materials, Masago Gallery

1969 Gutai Bijutsu Newcomers Exhibition, Gutai Pinacotheca, Osaka

Dimention‘69, Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, Kyoto

Open Air Formative Art ’69, Kamogawa Park, Kyoto

1970 Kyoto Independent Exhibition, Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, Kyoto

Contemporary Art-Open Air Festival, Kodomo-no-Kuni, Kanagawa

Modern Art Movement, Kyoto National Museum of Modern Art

The Methods of 20 Artists, Shinanobashi Gallery, Osaka

1972 Exhibition with Norio Imai and Saburou Muraoka, Doton-Bori, Osaka

1973 Nakanoshima Chuo Koukaido Exhibition, Osaka

Methods of Today ‘73, Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, Kyoto (’74,’75)

1975 The 11th Contemporary Art Exhibition of Japan, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo

The 10th Japan Art Festival, Australia

1977 Art Now '77, Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Hyogo

2004 6 Artists / articulation 2004, ARTCOURT Gallery, Osaka

Image & Concept 1/20, Art-Floor North-Fort


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