Free Standing, Interactive Performance, punch figure on a spring, wooden plinth and soft and hard balls, 2010
獨立 互動行為 自由站立的人物、彈簧的木質底座、軟的硬的球 2010
In China the piece Free Standing has been created in order for the audience to interact with the work throughout the duration of the exhibition. Free Standing raises issues such as rage, punishment, physical action, independence and the boundaries of audiences’ behaviour in art spaces.
Angry Drum, found drum with felt pen drawing, 2007
生氣的鼓 氈筆畫的鼓 2007
This drum is angry because it is constantly beaten. In the context of Ashery’s general art-practice, the scuffed sticker on the drum saying ‘Made in Syria', is a hint indicating her feelings regarding western attitudes towards the Arab world. Somewhere between the hand-made and the mass- produced. The drum is a low-fi object celebrating a reduced economy of production, evoking a nostalgic yearning for a sense of community and ritual.
The performance Raging Balls has been shown at Tate Modern, London, The Brooklyn Museum, NYC, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts, Lausanne, amongst other places.
“憤怒之球”這個互動行為表演在倫敦的泰特現代美術館、紐約的布魯克林博物館、柏林的Haus der Kulturen der Welt、洛桑的Musée cantonal des BeauxArts這些中展出。