
時間:2010-05-15 19:31:45 | 來源:藝術中國











2009 《鏡中鏡》對畫空間畫廊,北京,中國

2004 《Transport》“極平”當代藝術畫廊,米蘭,義大利。

2003 《白色計劃》張琪凱個展,馬爾尼克畫廊,義大利。



2002 《等待》,極慢當代藝術畫廊米蘭. 義大利.

2001 《張琪凱藝術展》 熱納亞當代藝術博物館, 義大利.

2000 《時間與空間》米蘭當代藝術畫廊,義大利

《MIND THE GAP》 莫納哥藝術學院畫廊, 德國。


2009 《三人行》 精藝軒,香港

2008 《變形城市》798大倉庫畫廊,北京,中國

《五十壹線》 環鐵一線藝術區漢字基地,北京,中國

《畫中有話》對畫空間(Dialogue Space),北京,中國

2007 《 藝術北京2007》 北京國際藝術博覽會,北京,中國




2006 《 北京/背景》第三屆北京大山子國際藝術節,北京,中國


《東方》 米蘭Mudima藝術基金會, 米蘭,義大利

《中國當代藝術展》 貝爾特斯卡畫廊, 熱那亞,義大利

《當代中國藝術之光》 卡頗尼大宮,佛羅倫撒,義大利.


2004 《38度緯線》28界奧林匹克運動會當代藝術展中國藝術家代表,希臘斯吉羅尼博物館雅典。


2003 《布拉格雙年展》,布拉格,捷克。


《Hotel Pupik》奧地利。

《 歐洲當代藝術大展》熱那亞,義大利。


2002 《Periscopio2002》米蘭斯代利納大宮,義大利。

《最後的一分鐘----趨向永恒的終點》索阿衛舊醫院 , 義大利


《Small Brother》迪納拉國家藝術畫廊。阿爾巴尼亞。

2001 《都靈國際藝術展》義大利.

《當代藝術展》多買尼當代藝術中心, 法國

《第二屆亞洲當代藝術雙年展》熱納亞度卡大宮, 義大利 .

2000 《GLOCA》二十一世紀畫廊, 索非亞,. 保加利亞.


1999 《第一屆亞洲當代藝術雙年展》熱納亞當代藝術博物館,義大利.

《當代國際視覺藝術展》地拉那國家藝術畫廊, 阿爾巴尼亞.


1998 《沙龍》米蘭永久藝術博物館,米蘭, 義大利.

《Visual Rave》 米蘭人文大學,米蘭,義大利。

1997 《Please》Care of畫廊,米蘭,義大利

1996 《在義大利的中國當代藝術家》,米蘭,義大利

1995 《春季9人展》美杜撒畫廊,米蘭,義大利


Zhang Qikai

Born in Beijing (China), currently lives and works in Beijing.


1992- Bachelor Degree of Fine Arts in the National Academy of Fine Arts of China.

2002- Bachelor Degree of Fine Arts in the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera in Milan.

Master’s Degree of the Multi-Media Department of Institute of Design of Milan

Invited a number of times to participate the art workshop in Italy, France, Belgium and other countries in Europe.

Installation work “Forest of Heaven” won the first prize of Biennale of Asian Art, Italy

Installation work “Garden Zen” won the Honorable Mention of Prague Biennale 1, Prague


Solo Exhibitions

2009-Double Image-Dialogue Space, Beijing,China.

2004- Transport-Milan, Italy

2003 –“Zhang Qikai - White Project”, Gallery Marconi, Cupra Marittima (AP) Italy.

-“The Internazionale”, Placentia Gallery, Italy.

-“Zhang Qikai - Works & Installation”, Genoa, Italy.

2002 –“Waiting”. Pianissimo Contemporary Art, Milan.

2001-“Zhang Qikai’s Art”, Contemporary Art Museum of Genoa, Italy.

2000-“Mind the Gap”, Gallery of Art Institute of Muenchen, Germany

–“In the time…In the space…”, Pianissimo- Contemporary Art, Milan .

1998 -Studio Casoli, Milan.

Group Exhibitions

2009-“Three on the Road”, Art Beatus Gallery, Hong Kong

2008-“ Transformed City”, Space DA, 798, Beijing, China

“ 10th May”, Base of Chinese characters, Huan Tie First Line, Beijing, China

“Telltale Paintings”, Dialogue Space, Beijing, China

2007- “Art Beijing”, Beijing, China

“Shang Hai Art Fair”, Shanghai, China

“Contemporary Chinese Art”,Contemporary Art Museum of Italy.

“Lift”, Huan Tie First Line, Beijing, China


2006 –“Beijing/Background”-3rd Dashanzi International Art Festival 2006, Beijing, China

-“Orient”, foundation Mudima, Milan, Italy

-“Contemporary Chinese Art”, La Bertesca Gallery –Masnata , Genoa, Italy

-International artist’s symposium XYZ 2006 , Austria

- “Light on Chinart Generation” , Palazzo Capponi, Firenze ,Italy

2004- “ 38 in Latitude”, Representative of Chinese artists in the Contemporary Art Exhibition of the 28th Olympics, Athens, Greece.

“ Mythology and Reality—General View of Oriental Art”, Foundation Micheti, Italy.

2003 –“Prague Biennale 1”. Prague.

-“Free International Forum” ,Bolognano, Pescara, Italy

-“Hotel Pupik 03 second presentation” , Schrattenberg, Scheifling, Austria.

- “Contemporary Art in Europe”, Genoa, Italy

-“Mixed Forests”, Milan, Italy.

2002 –“Periscopio 2002”, Gallery of the Palace Stelline, Milan, Italy

-“Last Minute-tending to the eternal destination”. Ex Hospital of Soave, Codogno, Italy

-“Miart,The International Art of Contemporary”, Milan, Italy

-“Small Brother”, National Art Gallery, Albania.

2001 –“Le Domaine de Kerguehennec” , Centre d’Art Contemporain, Bretagne(France).

-“Labyrinth”, Biennale of Contemporary Arts of Asia, Genoa, Italy

-“Artissima International Contemporary Art Exhibition” , Torino, Italy

2000 –“N.U.N.C” , Ex- Hospitalof Soave, Lodi( Italy).

“GLOCA”, the 21st Century Gallery, Sofia, Bulgaria

1999–“New Art Workshop 2, Casino Luxembourg-Forum d’art contemporain”, Luxembourg

–“Asiart, Biennale of Contemporary Arts, No.1”, Museum of Contemporary Arts, Genoa.

–“International Contest of Visual Art” , National Gallery of Arts, Tirana, Albania.

1998 –“Visual Rave”, Humanitarian Society, Milan.

-Salon 1, Permanent Museum, Milan.

1997 –“ Please”, Care of Gallery, Milan

1996 –“The Contemporary Chinese Artists in Italy”, C.O.E. Institute, Milan, Italy

1995 –“Nine of Spring”, Medusa Gallery, Ancona, Italy


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