
時間:2010-04-28 19:44:02 | 來源:藝術中國

Zhang Jie

1980 Born in Chongqing China

2003 Bachelor Degree, Painting Department of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing China

2006 Master Degree, Painting Department of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chongqing China

Solo Exhibitions

2008 Zhang Jie Solo Exhibition / Art Scene China /Shanghai

2007 Zhang Jie Solo Exhibition / Art Scene China / Shanghai

Group Exhibitions and Rewards

2010 Eyes Talk – Zhang Jie & Hu Ke Exhibition / AnniArt / Beijing 798

2009 Art Shenzhen - The Third Contemporary Art Festival - Southern collector Annual Exhibition / GeFeng Art Center / Shenzhen

The Excellence Works Review Exhibition of the Chinese Cutting-edge Artists Award / Duolun Modern Art Museum / Shanghai

Conversation - The First of the Western China Contemporary Art Exhibition / Changan Contemporary Art Museum/Chongqing

The Chinese Context - Chongqing Station / International Art Festival of Huangjueping / Chongqing

108 Spring Artistic Sharon / Chongqing

2008 Cologne International Art Fair /Cologne Germany

Creativity is a Virtue / Art Scene China / Shanghai

Art Fever - the Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition / Art Scene China / Shanghai

2007 China Art Galleries Fair / Shanghai

Chinese Art Goes to New York / Art Scene New York / USA

501 Art Exhibition / 501 Contemporary Art Museum / Chongqing

International Contemporary Art Exhibition / Shanghai Art Fair / Shanghai

Southern Dream - The First Season / GeFeng Art Center / Shenzhen

Cologne Art Fair / Cologne Germany

Zhang Jie & Hu Ke Artworks Exhibition / Art Scene China / Beijing China

2006 The 37th Miami Basel Art Fair / USA

Art Beijing / Beijing

The Nominated Outstanding Works of the National Academy Arts Undergraduate Exhibition / Today Art Museum

Selfhood -Trueness / New Millennium Gallery / Beijing 798

The Postgraduate Students Artworks Exhibition 2003 - Sichuan Fine Arts Institute / Chongqing Art Museum

The Rights of Individuals - Young Artists Exhibition / Author Gallery / Shanghai

April Grass / Nanjing Museum

2005 Chinese Cutting – edge Artists Awards Exhibition / Hong Kong Dragon Airlines /Art Scene China / Shanghai

Chinese – Korean Excellence Art Works Exchange Exhibition / Excellence Award Winner / Chongqing

The 10th Anniversary Art Exhibition of Chongqing Women Painting and Calligraphy Association / the Third Prize / Chongqing

2004 The 2nd Shanghai Spring Art Salon / Shanghai

Lowercase i / Jinse Gallery / Chongqing

Chinese International Galleries Exposition / Beijing

2003 The First Shanghai Spring Art Salon / Excellent Young Artist Awarded / Shanghai

Youth is the Power / Shanghai / Chongqing

Undergraduate Excellent works Exhibition / Sichuan Fine Arts Institute / Excellence Works Awarded / Chongqing Museum


毒藥_ Poison布面油畫Oil on Canvas90x60cm_2008


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