
時間:2010-01-16 18:57:34 | 來源:藝術中國



位於北京798 內的伊比利亞當代藝術中心空間是由一組舊廠房改建而成的。其中最大的一座廠房佔地近千平方米,為排架大跨廠房,空間高度8至11米,巨大而空曠。

改擴建完成後,藝術空間的總建築面積為4000多平方米。展覽空間2000平方米,其中主展廳面積為1200平米,空高呈5 米、8 米、11米的梯度結構,在空間上強化了原建築的空曠,而特意保留的巨大桁車則也豐富著內部空間的結構與層次,且設置了一個空間眺點。其餘展廳面積約為1000平米,空高3至4米不等。空間所有對外進出口設有防盜措施和監控設備,並兼顧大型展品、布展機械設備的進出和使用。展區內設有無線網路。照明射燈和電路設計考慮布展要求可臨時變化和調整。


建築設計由著名設計師、場域建築(北京)工作室主持建築師梁井宇主持。本建築榮獲《世界建築》雜誌頒發的“2008 年中國建築優勝獎”。

Located at Be i j ing 798 Art Zone, the architecture of Iberia Center for Contemporary Art is a factory complex transformed from old industrial buildings, among which the largest workshop with extended bent frame boasts an area of about 1,000 square meters, and measures 8 to 11 meters in height, providing a great open view for her visitors.

After the completion of the rebuilding, the space area will amount to over 4000 square meters in total. The exposition area occupies 2,000 square meters, among which the main exhibition hall covers 1200 square meters. The gradient structured roof, with varied heights of 5, 8, and 11 meters, further magnifies the sense of openness characteristic of the original design. As industrial equipment reserved from the original workshop, the gaint crane increases structural richness of the space, also sets up a viewing stand from the ceiling. The area of the other exhibition halls totals up to about 1,000 square meters, with varied heights between 3 to 4 meters. All entrances and exits are equipped with anti-theft monitoring devices to ensure security and cater to the transportation of large-scale items and installing machines. The gallery spaces are equipped with wireless network. The spotlights and circuit layout can be changed temporarily according to the demands of situation.

Surrounding the exhibition hall are different-sized indoor-outdoor spaces, including office area, film & video archive, auditorium, storehouse, packing & installing area, as well as reception area, cloakroom, cafe, art store, and courtyard.

The project is presided over by Liang Jingyu, the renowned designer and the principle architect of Approach Architecture Studio (Beijing).The architecture won the “Best of Category Award” of “2008 WA Chinese Architecture Award” issued by “World Architecture” Magazine.



伊比利亞當代藝術中心影像檔案館(CIFA) 位於北京798 藝術區的伊比利亞當代藝術中心,是一家與官方電影資料館相平行,專門從事當代中國獨立影像的整理、收藏和推廣的非盈利性學術機構。

CIFA 于2008 年開始籌備,同年4 月為伊比利亞當代藝術中心開館展策劃了主題放映單元“再安置:紀錄影像的另類角度和洞察”;一年之後,2009 年3 - 4 月,CIFA 成功策劃和舉辦了聚焦中國獨立電影十年的大型影像和文獻展“這裡發


CIFA 目前的工作重點,在於與獨立電影相關的文獻出版,並在推廣中國獨立影像的同時,發展國際影像交流項目。它在伊比利亞藝術空間內有獨立放映廳;同時將面向公眾開放的影像閱覽室也在籌備的過程中。

獨立影像在介入社會現實的過程中達到的深度和力量,已使它成為當代文化領域中最有活力的一部分。 我們希望以相同的勇氣、熱情和行動,展開持續的工作,分享那些影像中保存的所有現實,記憶,情感,思考及想像力,並盡其所能,促進中國獨立影像社會和文化價值的實現。

CIFA (Chinese Independent Film Archive)

CIFA (Chinese Independent Film Archive) is located inside the Iberia Center for Contemporary Art at 798 Art Zone in Beijing. Parallel to the National Film Archive, CIFA is a non-profit academic institution devoted to sorting, collecting, and promoting Chinese independent films.

CIFA has started its preparation since the early of 2008 and in April of the same year curated the thematic documentary programme“ Resettlement: Reverse Angles and Insights of Chinese Reality” as one of the sections in the augural exhibition of Iberia Center for Contemporary Art. One year later, during March and April of 2009, CIFA successfully realised its augural exhibition “What Has Been Happening Here?”, which is composed of screening programme and document exhibition focusing on a decade development of Chinese independent film.

The present working emphasis of CIFA is editing the publications related to Chinese independent film. At the same time it’s also devoted to develop international film exchange projects along with the promotion of Chinese Independent Film. Its auditorium located inside ICCA and the video library is supposed to open to the public soon.

The power and the depth that independent film has achieved in terms of its representations of Chinese social realities have made it be recognized as one of the most vibrant and energetic part in the contemporary culture field. Our aim is to share the realities, memories, sentiments, ideas and imaginations preserved in the Chinese independent films. By making consistent efforts with continuous courage, enthusiasm and actions, CIFA will do its best to help Chinese independent films realize their social and cultural values.


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