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藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-12-19 17:00:31 | 文章來源: 藝術中國





  藝術訴諸內心,不限于媒材與樣式, 而我獨鍾繪畫。二十年前作如是説;論畫:以為描畫“物” 易, 繪畫“物” 難,而畫中“無一物”而不失為好畫則更難。 故曰:除塊壘,去耿介,不驕飾,忌浮華,去機巧,勿炫耀,直面素白,虛懷“ 靜觀,此真畫也。

  這確是一番理論,今天看來或稍許隙隘與拘泥。我不曾止于“抽象”,在畫中喜歡來來去去,何況政治時效,社會當下于我, 一一不在話下

  2008.11.06 I often skim through my previous 20 years of works made while living in New York, every time I feel a rare sort of“serenity.”

  Those days were like my“wall meditation,”tolerantly facing the challenges of subsistence and still scratching out a fair amount of works in the studio; I especially treasured the“muted”state that these works displayed.

  Since 1993, mountains, rivers and forests of traditional Chinese landscape painting have gradually emerged in my painting, however, the same“extreme minimalism”seemed insistent on dealing with the“homesickness”and conversely long-cherished wish of these effective ancients, in 1995 I finished the“Bada Shanren”series, in‘96 and‘97 the Huang Zijiu and Dong Yuan series respectively. The work after Zhao Songxue’s“Watery Village”in this exhibition is actually a recent, but still unfinished work from 2008.

  Art appeals to the inner self, it is not limited to medium or style, I prefer painting. Twenty years ago I understood that painting, I understood the theory of painting as: sketching objects was easy, painting objects was difficult, and it was even more difficult to paint a good painting without a subject. Therefore: eliminate the narrative, be upright and just, avoid mannerism and gimmicks, do not show off, and genuinely face the canvas,“observe myself”with an open heart, this is real painting.

  This is actually a theory, maybe today it seems a little narrow, too formal or conservative. I’ve never restricted myself to the“abstract”, but prefer to come and go within my paintings, for me, the political, trends or contemporary society, its not even part of my ethos.

  Ma Kelu November 6, 2008

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