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[專稿] 站台中國2008年最後展覽——彼得•溫克

藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-11-28 14:25:37 | 文章來源: 藝術中國


  ——荷蘭藝術家彼得•溫克 (Peter Vink)專為站台中國當代藝術機構A展廳所創作的特定現場裝置


  展覽日期:2008.12.06 - 2008.12.20






  Qing Jin

  --A site specific project by Dutch artist Peter Vink specially conceived for Platform China Contemporary Art Institute space A

  Opening Reception: December 6th, 2008, 6:00PM

  Exhibition Time:2008.12.06 - 2008.12.20

  Exhibition Venue:Platform China Contemporary Art Institute Main Space A

  Qing Jin – a site specific project by Dutch artist Peter Vink specially conceived for Platform China Contemporary Art Institute space A, is an installation which situated in the entrance hall of main space A. In this room the artist decides to show the audience the symmetric quality of this particular space. The installation will guide the audience from the entrance of Platform China main space A to the staircase. The whole work is about entering a space. We can say the function of the space has not change that much. It is still a reception space, a room to welcome people. But this time the audience will be directed and will be faced with the specific qualities of the room.

  Funding: The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Architecture, Platform China Contemporary Art Institute

  Acknowledgments: Sun Ning, Jiang Yin, Liu Gang, Saskia Cornel, Annemarie Montulet, Shelly Louis





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