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[專稿] 2008藝術院校大學生年度提名展

藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-09-22 11:34:05 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

  Green Hope Project: Art Cheer up China --- Today Art Student Annual Awards 2008
  時間:2008年9月27日 — 10月12日
  展覽地點: 今日美術館一號館一、二、三、四層展廳
  Duration: 27th September – 12th October, 2008
  Venue: The 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor exhibition hall of building No.1



  “Today Art Student Annual Awards”is organized by Today Art Museum, and aims to give art students the opportunity of displaying their talent and building their confidence. Since 2006, a large number of young artists, who have participated in “Today Art Student Annual Awards”, have shown their artistic talent to a broader audience and have won the recognition of the art world. “Today Art Student Annual Awards” has become an annual glittering occasion and receives support from many art institutions all over the country.

  In 2008, “Today Art Student Annual Awards” will continue to uphold its objective of public benefit. It not only relies on Today Art Museum’s own established academic system, organizational structure, management processes and funding mechanism, but is also strongly supported by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China and the Beijing Municipal Government. The slogan of “Green Hope Project: Art Cheer up China” shows that we expect art students to support the Olympic Games and cheer up China with their artistic talent nation-wide. Through the platform of “Today Art Student Annual Awards”, Toda Art Museum hopes that we can lend wings to the young artistis and make their “Green Hope” come true.


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