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[專稿] 中國國際藝術品投資與收藏博覽會

藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-07-23 11:57:20 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

  “08藝術中國ART CHINA”——中國國際藝術品投資與收藏博覽會
  ART CHINA-08----China International Artistic Works Investment & Collection Expo

  “08藝術中國ART CHINA”——中國國際藝術品投資與收藏博覽會將於今年11月27日~12月1日在北京展覽館(Beijing Exhibitors Center)舉行。為期五天,規模空前盛大。

  近年來,中國藝術市場呈現出持續繁榮的局面。2008年是中國奧運年,中國將成為全球矚目的焦點,中國的文化藝術也將成為各國媒體關切和宣傳的重點,中國的藝術市場將更為活躍。值此契機,“08藝術中國ART CHINA”博覽會將會匯聚更多的人氣,推動中國的藝術市場進入新的發展時期。


  因此“08藝術中國ART CHINA”博覽會是一屆值得期待的藝術盛會。


  Art China Exposition 2008 will be held at the China Beijing Exhibition Hall from November 27th to October 1th, 2008. It is sponsored by Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China.

  In recent years, Chinese art market presents the continuous prosperity. 2008 is the Olympic year. China will draw attention on the worldwide focus. Chinese culture and arts will draw the concern and focus of various media from all over the world. The Chinese art market will be more active. At this turning point, 2008 Art China will grow in order to promote China’s art into a new era of development. .

  Fine art gallery pavilion is focusing on display outstanding at home and abroad excellent galleries and art organizations, display contemporary art the highest level of artists painting, sculpture, photography, multimedia, installation art, and so on.Besides home and abroad well-known galleries to participate in the expo, and top Chinese contemporary ink painting exhibition; it has a large number of high-quality " Affordable Consumption " Arts Festival, and in the Arts Industry chain of the Arts Institutions communication.

  Therefore, " 08 ART CHINA" Expo is one worth looking forward to the art feast.

  Beijing Exhibition Center, 1 floor. pavilion A﹑pavilion B
  開放時間Opening Time:
  2008.11.27~12.01 / 11:00~18:00
  Nov.27 (Thu.)~Dec.1(Mon),2008(5 days in total)
  Nov.27(Opening Day)

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