[專稿] 西班牙女藝術家Marta作品展

時間:2008-03-04 15:28:26 | 來源:藝術中國






  Marta Andreu,1972年出生於西班牙巴塞羅納,幼年開始習畫。第一次見到她的作品,是在去年舉辦的中國國際畫廊博覽會上,首先被她作品撲面而來的色彩張力所衝擊。Marta一直很強調色彩的表現力,黃色、紅色和藍色是她作品的主色調。


  在本次展覽上,Marta將展出30余件的作品,共包括4個主題:magic,rose,acrylic,oil .這些作品基本是近兩年的新作,大部分都是在國內完成的,只有一小部分創作于西班牙。此次展覽將全面呈現藝術家Marta Andreu近兩年來的藝術面貌,希望本次展覽在呈現藝術家獨特美學理念和藝術創作觀念的同時,更促進中西方文化上的展示和交流。


The holly cave
144cm for 90cm


  Magic cube of color
  Opening: March 15, 2008 Hour: 18:00
  Date: March 15 to 29, 2008
  Venue: Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art
  (No. 27, DUOLUN Rd., SHANHAI)
  Presented by: Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art

  The modern art was born with the sorrowful aesthetic category all the time. As time goes on, especially when the works of Marcel Duchamp(1887-1968) which titled Mutt had been presented to the public, visualization of beauty is no longer the only pursuit of aesthetics. Ugliness and absurdity has been recognized and has become the main theme of contemporary arts. Spanish female artist Marta’s work consists mainly of easel pictures. In contrary to the current trend of modern art, she presents a joyful hue in her paintings. Marta keeps to her own style, creating beautiful art works with purity and tension of color.

  Marta Andreu, born in 1972 in Barcelona Spain, started learning painting since young. It was at the China International Gallery Exhibition last year that the Chinese people have for the first time seen and shocked by her paintings and the tension of color in them. Emphasizing the expressiveness of color, Marta uses golden, red and blue as main hue in her work.

  Marta is a female artist with specific character. She is continuously seeking in her art creating. In the early period of creating, she was effected strongly by the artists of modern art such as Pablo Picasso(1881~1973) and J. Miro(1893-1983), especially the Cubism of Picasso. Her painting style developed and broke through in the manners and forms of expression when she recognized and understand art step by step. Marta was attracted by the traditional culture and the pure of the art material in China when she came to Shanghai from Spain in 2005. She attempted to establish contact of painting between China and the West on the form of expression. She always uses oil painting first then adds the Chinese traditional material such as pearl, silk, and knit goods together. Marta considers that painting is a kind of languages in communication and it can depict the spirit world which is not able to express by using writings. In other words, painting is a way of communication of soul, and expresses the unknown world. When she lives in Shanghai all her life is full of painting. Marta said once that painting is an important part in her life.

  At this exhibition, Marta will present about 30 pieces of her recent work, categorized into 4 themes: Magic, Rose, Acrylic and Oil. Most of these works were created in China within the past 2 years, the rest were painted in Spain. This exhibition will widely present Marta’s perspectives in arts. We hope to take this change to show the artist’s unique understanding of aesthetics as well as to promote communication in culture between China and western countries.

The wind
144cm for 90cm

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