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[專稿] 張遠作品展

藝術中國 | 時間: 2007-12-18 14:10:29 | 文章來源: 藝術中國


  開幕酒會:2007年12月16日 14:00




  The Concealed Structure
  Zhang Yuan Solo Exhibition
  Exhibition time: 16.12. 2007 – 31. 01. 2008
  Opening: 2.00 pm, 16.12. 2007
  Venue: Platform China Contemporary Art Institute Main Space B
  Address: 319-1, East art zone A, Caochangdi Village Chaoyang District Beijing

  Platform China is glad to present The Concealed Structure, Zhan Yuan’s solo exhibition.

  In the serie of works – The Concealed Structure, Zhang Yuan using unknown images from extensive sources, constructs in a sensitive and delicate style an open space for interpretation, while giving the impression of an oncoming dense fog. As the images are separated from their own meaning and stories, they represent through complicated compounding and unfolded details, a sort of inane state and indefinable conjuncture, foretelling that a new situation is going to occur.

  “……the important part is not the paintings and the images themselves, but the subtle emotions and the concealed structure created by the adequacy of the images and details ……, the images adjacent or not come to a montage-narration…” (the artist’s statement). Then the concept and the structure lie on the audience’s interpretations.


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