

藝術中國 | 時間:2018-03-09 10:18:38 | 文章來源:藝術中國

Not Dark Yet - Xu Hongxiang Solo Exhibition

藝術家 | Artist:許宏翔 Xu Hongxiang

策展人| Curator:亞歷山大·格林姆 Alexandra Grimmer

開幕時間| Reception:2018.3.17 16:00

展覽時間| Duration:2018.3.17-2018.4.25

展覽地址| Venue:藝·凱旋畫廊 Triumph Gallery   


許宏翔1984年出生於湖南長沙,畢業于中央美院版畫係,獲碩士學位。本次展覽將精選展出許宏翔以風景系列為主的近二十件最新繪畫力作,並將特別推出許宏翔的最新藝術項目——《木蓮衝》。個展除特邀奧地利策展人Alexandra Grimmer(亞歷山大·格林姆)擔當策展外,還邀請青年策展人于瀛與許宏翔在工作室進行了一場深入的藝術對談。中山大學的楊小彥教授,也為此展特別撰文,通過對許宏翔此前三個藝術項目的深入剖析和解讀,給觀者提供了特有的“許宏翔作品的觀看方針與行動指南”。雖然許宏翔的藝術創作不側重敘事和具體形象,卻都在潛意識裏與現實生活發生著特定關係,看他的風景繪畫、觀他的藝術項目,觀者將感受到許宏翔特有的視覺表達與審美展現。

許宏翔個展將持續至2018年4月25日,同時展覽也是北京畫廊周(Gallery Weekend Beijing)的貴賓導覽項目,歡迎各界朋友蒞臨藝·凱旋畫廊!

“Not Dark Yet - Xu Hongxiang Solo Exhibition” will open on March 17th, 2018, as the first exhibition presented by Triumph Gallery this year.

Xu Hongxiang was born in Changsha, Hunan. He received the Master degree from the printmaking department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. In this exhibition, we selected nearly 20 pieces of recent works, which are mainly from his Landscape series. In addition, we are going to present Xu Hongxiang’s latest art project--“Mulian Village”. Apart from inviting the Austrian curator Alexandra Grimmer to curate this exhibition, curator Yu Ying was also invited to have an in-depth conversation with Xu Hongxiang in Xu’s studio. Meanwhile, professor Yang Xiaoyan from Sun Yat-sen University did an essay for this exhibition, in which, professor Yang provides a special“Xu Hongxiang’s Action and Viewing Guidelines” for viewer through the thorough analysis and interpretation on Xu’s last three art projects. Although Xu Hongxiang does not focus on narration or specific image in his works, all his art creations somehow relate to his life experiences subconsciously. Viewers will sense Xu’s unique way of visual expression and aesthetic demonstration from seeing his landscape paintings and art project.

Xu Hongxiang Solo Exhibition will open till April 25th, 2018. Meanwhile, this exhibition is one of the projects in VIP guide tour of Gallery Weekend Beijing. We warmly welcome you to visit the Triumph Gallery!

好風景No.5|Good Landscape No.5


布面油畫|Oil on Canvas


好風景No.7|Good Landscape No.7


布面油畫|Oil on Canvas


木蓮衝| MuLian Village

尺寸可變|Dimensions Variable

綜合材料|Mixed Materials


藝·凱旋畫廊Triumph Gallery


Address:A-05,798 Art Zone,No.2 Jiuxianqiao Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

電話 / Tel:+86-10-5762-3012  

傳真 / Fax:+86-10-5762-3013

Triumph Gallery




開放時間:週二至週日 10:00-19:00

Opening Hours:Tuesday-Sunday 10:00-19:00

簡 介



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