日期:2013年12月15日- 2014年3月30日
時間: 週一至週日 10:00am~6:00pm (國定假日照常開館)
主辦單位:上海當代藝術館策展人:金善姬藝術家: 草間彌生
< MoCA Shanghai 上海當代藝術館 > 上海當代藝術館自2005年開館至今持續致力推廣中國與國際的當代藝術。我們期許能為上海群眾帶來貼近人群的藝術人文氣息且成為提供基礎藝術教育的平臺。
官方網站: www.MoCAShanghaishanghai.org
官方微網志: http://e.weibo.com/mocashanghai
Exhibition Duration:15th December, 2013 – 30th March,2014
Opening Hours: Monday- Sunday 10:00am~6:00pm (open on public holidays)
Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai (MoCA Shanghai) will be bringing the tour exhibition ‘A Dream I Dreamed ’from the artist being named ‘Contemporary Art Queen ’ Kusama Yayoi to Shanghai at the end of 2013, for its first large scale public appearance in China. With her international reputation, the Japanese artist Kusama Yayoi’s pieces have been collected and treasured in more than 100 museums and art institutions all over the world. The exhibition will include the most representative pieces of Kusama Yayoi as well as her work in recent years, as an effort to take a closer look at her art career and show the exuberant creativity of Kusama Yayoi to the audience.
Host: Museum of Contemporary Art, Shanghai (MoCA Shanghai)
Curator: Kim Sun Hee
Artist: Kusama Yayoi
< MoCA Shanghai > Since the opening in 2005, MoCA Shanghai has been promoting contemporary art home and abroad, hoping to bring culture and artistic atmosphere for Shanghai citizens and become a platform providing basic artistic education.
Website : www.MoCA Shanghaishanghai.org
Official Weibo: http://e.weibo.com/mocashanghai