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藝術中國 | 時間: 2011-04-18 13:51:58 | 文章來源: 藝術中國





地點:今日美術館 1號館3層



80後出生於北京的陳曼畢業于中央美術學院,長期與《VOUGE》、《ELLE》等國際品牌合作, 其作品航太員、滑板妞系列和funky greatwall 系列分別被《紐約時報》和德國《鏡報》刊登並述之為中國視覺改革的代表。


Elan—Photography Exhibition by Chen Man

Organizer: Today Art Museum

Curator: Karen Smith

Duration: April 24-May 8

Venue: 3rd floor exhibition hall of building 1

China's Young women photographer Chen Man, who held exhibitionsin different countries and regions such as France, the US and Hong Kong, will hold her brand new solo exhibition at Today Art Museum in Beijing from April 23 to May 8, 2011. The art exhibtion consists of two sections: The Five Elements and The Four Great Heavenly Kings.

Through the new exhibition, Chen Man depicts her understanding of Chinese traditional philosophy by means of modern art language with The Five Elements expressing her consideration of the relationship between human race, society and the nature. While The Four Great Heavenly Kings hybridizes Chinese traditions with modern cultures via the creative gender change of the Great Heavenly Kings.

Chen Man, born in the 1980s, graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts and has long-term cooperation with international fashion tycoons such as VOUGE and ELLE. Her art work Astronaut, Skateboard Girls and Funky Greatwall series were published by Newyork Times of the US and Der Spiegel of Germany, being praised as the representative of China's visual revolution.


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