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藝術中國 | 時間: 2011-04-08 08:50:31 | 文章來源: 藝術中國







藝術家對媒介的思考和選擇反映了他們的思想、藝術理念,以及生活社會環境甚至經歷的影響。本次的展覽正是希望以藝術家對媒介(可以是材料、手段、技術等等)的選擇及處理為切入點,關注這些年輕藝術家的思考和創作,力圖呈現他們的藝術脈絡和狀態。 本次參展的年輕藝術家及團體,來自上海、四川和杭州,他們擁有著不同的背景和風格,他們的創作及生活狀態也截然不同,但相同的是,他們都在以不斷思考和嘗試的態度摸索著自己的藝術道路。


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Date:2011,30th April ~ 29th May

Artists: Aaajiao, Han Feng, Li Xiaojing, Li Cao, Lu Yang, Liu Ren, Pan Jianfeng, Museum of Unknown, Zhang Liaoyuan

Curator: Wang Weiwei

Young, indicates a status of continuous thinking, activating and always willing to try. Young artists’ road is full of unknown questions, not only for themselves but for us and the audience. When we follow their current status and development, we are concerning about the young group itself, about their refreshed ideas, and their progressing status.

The comprehension and selection of media reflected artists’ thoughts and their artistic perceptions, as well as the impact of social environment and life experience casting on them. This exhibition hopes to take the media selection and treatment (materials, methods, technics etc) as an access to show concern about these young artists’ thinking and creating and thus to reveal their artistic trace and status. The participated young artists and groups come from Shanghai, Sichuan and Hangzhou, with their different background and style, their creating and life condition differ from each other, yet they share the same the characteristics: they are exploring their own artistic road with a constant attitude of meditation and experiment.

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