

藝術中國 | 時間:2011-04-02 08:43:41 | 文章來源:藝術中國

開幕時間:3月24日,16:00 - 19:00

展覽時間:2011年3月25日 - 5月1日

開放時間:週二 - 週日 12:00 - 18:30


Boers-Li Gallery榮幸的宣佈,陸揚個展《震顫麻痹-計劃》將於2011年3月24日至5月1日在本畫廊開幕。本次展覽將展出陸揚全新作品,包括錄影裝置,數位印刷作品,音樂錄影以及震顫麻痹計劃的參考錄影資料。展覽的關鍵詞:節律、人體病變節拍器、被控、科技治療、科技控制、肉體失控。


Boers-Li Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of the solo exhibition of Lu Yang entitled KRAFTTREMOR: Paralysis Agitans Project, which will open on Mar. 24th, 2011 and continuing through 1st May. The exhibition of all new works includes a video installation, Prints, Projects from the Archives and a Music Video. The best way to describe the works is by some keywords: rhythm, repetition, disturbance and pathological body metronome, loss of bodily control, monitoring and technological cure.

This project is a continuation of earlier projects, including “Project of Seeking Cooperation with Scientific Teams” and “Project of Beats from Living Things.” From the former this new project draws its methods of display in the form of precise scientific evidence and diagrams, while from the latter it borrows the visual style of the music video in order to present the bodily rhythms of a living being that has lost self-control. All works of the KRAFTTREMOR: Paralysis Agitans Project, are based on a contemporary phenomenon: Parkinson’s disease.


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