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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-12-09 09:25:50 | 文章來源: 藝術中國



開幕: 二零一零年十二月五日 週日下午 四點

展期:2010.12.05. ~ 2011.01.20




YANG WEI Solo Exhibition——Tell me How to be Sad

Opening: Sunday 5th December 2010. 4pm

Exhibition Date: 5th of December 2010 to 20th of January 2011

Venue: Yan Club Arts Center

Stern and cruel as Yang Wei’s artwork, it gives people a kind of bitter anguish memories. His art is delicate and simple,moreover leading people to the ocean of infinite impressibility. However, the feelings expressed by his work can be felt but not expressed in words. Yang Wei not only takes his emotions directly to the place that words cannot reach, but also put them in the coming eruption of the critical freezing point. In such a theater led by emotion, Yang Wei is both director and performer. He even prefers to put himself and the audience together as one and together look at it as another self.



Yan Club Arts Center

北京市朝陽區酒仙 橋路4 號 798 院內 8503 信箱 100015

798 #8503, 4 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang Dst., 100015 Beijing PRC

T +86 5978 9172

F +86 5978 9173




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