

藝術中國 | 時間:2010-08-27 08:55:34 | 文章來源:藝術中國

大家來找茬•抓娃娃機(兩圖有八處不同) 布面油畫 200×150cm×2 2010

Finding Differences • Claw crane machine (There are 8 differences in the two paintings) Oil on canvas 200X150cmX2 2010


大家來找茬•冰箱(兩圖有八處不同) 布面油畫 200×150cm×2 2010

Finding Differences•Fridge (There are 8 differences in the two paintings) Oil on canvas 200X150cmX2 2010


大家來找茬•衣店(兩圖有八處不同) 布面油畫 200×150cm×2 2010

Finding Differences•Clothing Store (There are 8 differences in the two paintings) Oil on canvas 200X150cmX2 2010


一件漂亮貨 布面油畫 60×60cm 2010

A Pretty Piece of Merchandise Oil on canvas 60×60cm 2010


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