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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-08-16 10:54:40 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

Narration of Daily Life for Grand Piece—Documenta of LIU yaming's Paiting Somewhere Out There, a Road to Freedom

Artist:Liu Yaming

Curator: Su Dan

Duration: Sep.4,2010 —Sep.30,2010

Opening reception: Sep.5,2010 15:00

Exhibition Venue: 4-Face Space Gallery

National Art Museum of China No.2 Hall

Liu Yaming's Paiting “Somewhere out there,a road to freedom”

Organiser: 4-Face Space Gallery

Adress: No.2 Road 798 Art Zone Jiuxianqiao Road Chaoyang District

Beijing China


Tel: 010-59789608/59789609

E-mail: smkjart@163.com

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