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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-07-26 14:33:39 | 文章來源: 藝術中國


地點:今日美術館 2號館2層

攝影和錄影,是當代藝術範疇中兩種被廣泛應用的媒介。西方藝術家對這兩個媒介的使用始於1970 年代,到了90 年代形成全球性的高潮。在中國當代藝術中,張培力和朱加是最早涉足攝影和錄影的兩位藝術家。他們一直深入地參與了中國社會的現實變遷,並充分利用了經濟騰飛帶來的新媒介可能,發展出高度個人化、充滿洞見的藝境與立場。中國藝術圈近年來出産的某些最值得注意的作品就出自他們之手。“南張北朱”是業內對這兩位中國錄影藝術的奠基者的稱謂,他們一南一北生活的中國的杭州和北京兩大經濟文化重鎮。



The Exhibition by Zhang Peili and Zhu Jia

Duration: Aug 20th –Sep 7th

Venue: 2nd floor exhibition hall of building 2

Photography and video, the two main media in the contemporary art,was introduced in the 1970s by the western artists and became a worldwide trend in the 1990s.

Zhang Peili and Zhu Jia are among the earliest artists in China to explore photography and video. Actively involved with the shift of China’s reality and taking the advantage of the introduction of new media prompted by the economic boom, they have developed their highly personal and insightful artistic visions and position. Some of the most remarkable works in the recent Chinese art scene are produced by these two artists.

The two founders of China’s video art are usually called "South Zhang and North Zhu"(Nan Zhang Bei Zhu), which refers that Zhang lives in Hangzhou, one of the most important economic and cultural center in South China, Hangzhou, and Zhu lives in Beijing, the economic and cultural center in the North.

This is the first joint exhibition of the two pioneer artists. The communication between them will provide a brand new point of view for China’s contemporary video art. This exhibition will unfold and witness together with the audients the changes in Chinese society and the development of Chinese contemporary art.

簡 介



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