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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-05-17 09:35:54 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

Snow Kyoto 2010, colours on paper, 100cm×70.5cm






“剎那” 是梵文 Ksana,意思是不能表達的短暫時間;于一剎那之中又包含了九百個生滅,這些生生滅滅之中,可以包含了不少往事憶記,新意源頭,糾纏事物的頓悟,或是迷惑困局的開示。捕捉這些剎那的閃現,成為了卜百賀的藝術探索。



“剎那” 展期為二O一O年六月二日至廿五日。

卜百賀 生於德國慕尼黑。在學法律之同時,他亦利用晚上時間到美術學院進修。學成後,選擇執業律師,隨後加入德國外交部,並被派駐世界不同地方。

期間,他對藝術的追求從未間斷,曾參與不同聯展及個展。一九九七、九八及九九年,他分別在倫敦 Studio Gallery 舉辦個展,于二OO一年亦在Poole 的 Study Gallery 舉辦個展。作品被德國、英國、西班牙及法國藏家收藏。


FLASHES——Works by Frank Burbach

June 2nd to 25th, 2010

Art Beatus Gallery

50 Peel Street, Ground Floor, Central, Hong Kong

The artist will attend the opening reception

6pm - 8pm on Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010

Flashes in life can be spark recollection of past memories, impulsive hint of fresh ideas, sudden enlightenment of tormenting entanglements or unexpected revelation of lingering mysteries. All these should be counted as godsends and Frank Burbach has them captured to share.

Burbach, a career diplomat from Germany who has unwillingly kept his artistic aspirations at bay for decades, has returned to Art Beatus Gallery for his second solo exhibition before bidding adieu to Hong Kong.

On show are sixteen of his most recent works, which took away most of his spare time over weekends and holidays. The exhibits, in abstract expressionistic style, recount his fond rendezvous with Asia, Japan and Hong Kong in particular.

The exhibition runs from June 2nd to 25th, 2010.

Frank Burbach was born in Munich, Germany, where he studied Law and simultaneously took courses at the Academy of Fine Arts.

Practicing as a lawyer first, he later serves as a diplomat for Germany in various countries.

Frank Burbach continues to paint and participates in various group and solo exhibitions. In 1997, 1998 and 1999, he had his solo exhibitions at Cable Street Studio Gallery, London, and in 2001, The Study Gallery, Poole. His paintings are in various private collections in Germany, England, Spain and France.


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