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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-05-10 09:23:24 | 文章來源: 藝術中國



尚-馬利·費歐裏及朋友: 丹尼爾·達維歐, 傑克·歐扎克,派崔克·賓茲, 皮耶·瓦楚裏,罕默特·考勒

開幕酒會: 5月15日晚3點至7點



展覽地址:局門路153號近麗園路   地鐵四號線魯班路站或九號線馬當路站








此展覽同時也邀請您一起發現具象當代動物主義的藝術家如雕塑家丹尼爾·達維歐, 傑克·歐扎克,派崔克·賓茲, 皮耶·瓦楚裏,及畫家罕默特·考勒。



Opening Reception : May 15th 2010 Saturday, 3–7pm

In presence of the Artist Jean-Marie Fiori

153 Jumen Road near Liyuan Road

Metro station Luban lu line 4 or Madang lu line 9 & 13

Exhibition through

May 16th–July 3rd 2010

For over twenty years, the contemporary sculptor Jean-Marie Fiori and the Galerie Dumonteil have been working together to bring a new vision on wildlife art, building step by step the creative world of the artist.

Having started with interior decorative projects, he quickly turned himself to sculpture, developing a passion for the representation of animals in a unique and modern way. His vivid imagination and particular sense of humor offer the public an ever surprising vision of the animal kingdom.

His talent was recently awarded with the Sandoz Prize, highest academic award for a living wildlife artist.

We are proud to invite you to discover and lose yourself into a poetic and colorful journey among a bronze and alabaster’s exotic bestiary, composed of Africa’s felines, Amazonian’s birds and Desert’s animals.

This exhibition is also an opportunity to discover the new and talented scene of the contemporary and figurative animal movement through the works of Jean-Marie Fiori’s friends and Gallery comrades: the sculptors Daniel Daviau, Jacques Owczarek, Patrick Bintz, Pierre Voituriez and the painter Helmut Koller.


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