開幕酒會:10月17日 下午3點至6點
展覽時間:10月17日至11月15日 週三至週日 11點至下午6點 接受預約
展覽地點:緣分新媒體藝術空間 大山子798藝術區七星東街
Yuanfen New Media Art Space Presents
Emerging Visions
Featuring the works of Wang Hailei, Sarah Nind and Vincent Goetz
Wang Hailei: Yi Jing Remix - The Book of (Digital) Changes
Wang Hailei, a 31 year-old Beijing resident, originally from Qingdao, describes himself as an artist, a designer and a computer programmer. It's been nine years since he first coded computer programs after being certified by Microsoft as a Systems Engineer. He is now a full time generative artist and interactive designer.
Generative Art refers to any artistic practice where the artist uses asystem, such as a set of natural language rules, a computerprogram, or some other processing tool, which, when set intomotion with some degree of autonomy, results in (or contributes to) a completed work of art. Hailei has found Generative Art to be the natural expression for his combined passions and talents in both art and technology.
Hailei's generative art is a vehicle to express his understanding and feelings about ancient Chinese aesthetics and philosophy, inspired especially by the Zhouyi 周易, what we generally refer to as the Yi Jing (易經) or, in English, as the Book of Changes. The Zhouyi contains an ancient system of cosmology and philosophy that is intrinsic to Chinese cultural. The Zhouyi focuses on the concept of the dynamic balance of opposites, the evolution of events as a process, and acceptance of the inevitability of change. Its connection to generative art is natural: on the surface, generative art speaks of image or phenomenon, but at its core is an intrinsic law and logic. This is why Hailei uses generative art to articulate his experience of ancient Chinese philosophy and aesthetics.
Hailei uses computer code as his "brush" to paint. His generative artwork, like a traditional oil painting, is inspired by and reflects his personal vision, thoughts, philosophy and emotions. The difference with a traditional painting is the use of computer technology in place of a brush. As Hailei says, "It's not Michelangelo's brush that made art - it was the man. Likewise, my computer code isn't making the art, it's me." For Hailei, computer language is simply another means of expressing the human experience, just like music and architecture are.
王海磊:再易 - 數字之變
生成藝術是指:藝術家使用某種程度上自動運作的系統,例如電腦程式或其他具備某種程度自動性的工具,來製作一個作品的整體或局部的藝術行為。王海磊發現,Generative Art能將藝術和電腦技術完美結合,這成為他表達對藝術和技術雙重熱愛和天賦的不二選擇。
王海磊將"生成藝術"作為表達古代中國哲學和美學,尤其是《周易》,給他的啟示的一種方式。 《周易》包含了古代一整套世界觀和哲學體系,是中國古典哲學和文化的根基。周易著重闡述了陰陽萬物在持續變化過程中的平衡。周易六十四卦概括了世間萬事萬物的發展規律。周易講究"象",認為每個哲理都可以通過一個圖像來表達或闡釋;周易又強調"數",認為每個現象的背後都是某種數理規律。這很自然地讓人聯想到"生成藝術"--其表面是圖像而內在卻是數理,這是王海磊選擇"生成藝術"來表達他所理解的中國古典哲學和美學的原因所在。
王海磊使用電腦程式作為筆刷來繪畫。他的"生成藝術"與傳統繪畫一樣,都是受啟發于並同時也反映了其視野、思想、哲學和情感;所不同的只是製作工具由筆刷變成了電腦。電腦(程式)只是工具,它並不創造藝術,就像你不能説達芬奇的筆刷創作了藝術。就像王海磊説的,"並非達芬奇之筆創作了藝術,而是其人。同樣,不是我的電腦程式製造了藝術,而是我。" 對王海磊來説,電腦編程語言只是對人類語言延伸的一種,就像音樂語言、繪畫語言、建築語言一樣,都是人類思想的表述途徑。
Sarah Nind
Visions of Beijing & Shanghai - Melding the Virtual and the Real
Sarah Nind, born in Borneo and raised in Canada, employs oil painting with photographic processes in the production of a distinct body of work. The resulting images exhibit characteristics of photography as an emotive and poetic medium -- a recording device of the 'real'. At the same time, imagery is transformed through the integration of paint. This painted surface, with its ability to transcend the literal description, is addressed as a dimension to express and record emotional states and subjective realities. "Rather than being a dramatic narrative, my work questions history, the construction of time as a lineal process, and the distinction between the real and the virtual."