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藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-09-22 18:29:11 | 文章來源: 藝術中國




藝術家:蔡承志/ 陳勇為/ 陳志遠/ 高飛/ 郭奕麟/ 李國棟/ 李良勇/ 劉佳婧/ 劉濤/ 劉雪飛/盧意/ 史怡然/ 宋振/ 王克偉/ 王雯/ 王竹/ 葉斯/ 俞國賢/ 張品/ 張天軍/ 趙婧妍/


策展人:孫大棠 劉畑

展覽開幕:2009年9月29日 15:00


展覽地址:杭州西湖區之江文化創意園 鳳凰國際A3/A4-3F 寶石蝶藝術館



電話:86 571 87095169



2009年9月29日, “青事記•杭州年輕藝術家調查展 第一回:涉世説新語”將於寶石蝶•尚青空間開幕。這是尚青空間成立的開幕展覽,也是系列調查展的第一回合。







The opening of “QingArt Notes - Survey Series of Young Artists in Hangzhou (I): Debutants' Social Talks” will be held at Baoshidie • QingArt Space on September 29, 2009. This is an opening exhibition for the establishment of QingArt Space as well as the first scene of the survey series exhibition.

The serial activities of “QingArt Notes - Survey Series of Young Artists in Hangzhou”, based on interpretation of the artists’ creative subjects and states, try to record, display and organize their different group situations by means of multi-display with different themes. In addition, the serial activities also explain Hangzhou’s art phenomena and cover debutants’ social concerns in the form of documents to build up a database of Hangzhou’s young artists gradually At the same time, it is expected to be a mirror, a star map and a gathering for Hangzhou’s young artists, where everyone can see their states, situations as well as their peers’. This is the reason why QingArt Space exhibits “QingArt Notes - Survey Series of Young Artists in Hangzhou”.

In the first scene of the survey series exhibition, the “Debutants” denotes that some young, though inexperienced, step out of their narrow universe and establish a big world, in which they are no longer self-centered and childish. They begin to care about the outside apart from “Me” as well as to start their own thinking, ridicule and criticism of social reality, historical stories and ideologies. This is the seeds of responsibility and sense of history.

On the other hand, “Debutants' Social Talks” concerns about another type of artists who work in the pure world to explore a new art language - another world’s language. It owns energy to shock the reality just because it has nothing to do, as only by virtue of a pivot beyond the world, we can prize up the earth.

Hangzhou is one of the most important sources of Chinese contemporary art all along. However, compared with Hangzhou’s beaming artists emerging in an endless stream, its art spaces are rather limited. In Hangzhou, where the contemporary art environment is far from mature, establishing an art space means another adventure. Now, the adventure just begins…




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