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藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-09-15 19:34:58 | 文章來源: 藝術中國






策劃:曹海鈺 鷺鷥







李路明沈岑+常樂 沈敬東 童振剛 邢俊勤 徐唯辛 徐勇 張謐詮 張勇華


Lorea Alfaro, Taxio Ardanaz, Judas Arrieta, Carlos Corres, Edurne Gonzalez Ibañez, Carlos Irijalba, Carlos Lopez Garrido, Jasone Miranda-Bilbao, Riiko Sakkinen, Laurita Siles.


Memories of China

Chinese - Spanish contemporary art exchange exhibition

Duration: 19 Sep –18 oct

Opening: 19 Sep 3pm

Exhibition venue: 798 Space

Curators: Vivian Cao & Coral Lu

Because the Chinese contemporary art pays great attention to its own social, political and survival reality, it has been providing new visual forms and new blood for the comtemporary art world art obtaining vast global attention.

However, what kind of reality are we living? Now, the works of ten Spanish artist participating in the exhibition give us an opportunity to review our ideas. These works have been created during the residencies of these artists at MA Studio. Each artist have spent two months in Beijing developing projects related with they experiences in China. The works are extremely direct and sensitive impressions of this brief time when China has created a valuable new angle of visual culture.

The ten Chinese artists participating in the exhibtion are well known for their particularly characteristic language, which comes from our reality and from pondering it in a personalized manner.

Both the Spanish artists visiting China and the local Chinese artists living here discuss in their works about the cultural transformation in several contexts of the reality. The differences and the limitations of each point of view are obvious. Ultimately, everything is based on the reality above individual imagination, even in the most objective video work.

Each artist's imagination is different, and the difference appears in a variety of forms, wonderfully and excitingly. The artists have created a new imagery and a fabled reality based on the reality. Simultaneosly, these forms of the imagination are also unceasingly assured by the colleagues in order to construct cultural and the artistic history.

Live NOW, everything is PRESENT but CONTINUOUS.

Participating Chinese artists: Li luming, Shen Cen& Chang Le, Shen Jingdong, Tong Zhenggang, Xu weixin, Xing Junqin, Xu Yong, Zhang Miquan, Zhang Yong Hua.

Participating Spanish artists: Lorea Alfaro, Taxio Ardanaz, Judas Arrieta, Carlos Corres, Edurne Gonzalez Ibañez, Carlos Irijalba, Carlos Lopez Garrido, Jasone Miranda-Bilbao, Riiko Sakkinen, Laurita Siles.


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