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藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-09-07 17:38:40 | 文章來源: 藝術中國


無中有 (設色全開四川麻紙) Green Something in Nothing 135 x 67 cm 2009


小人物 (設色全開四川麻紙) Small potato (Small man thing) 135 x 67 cm 2009


心遊空際寫意象外 (大斗方) Heart travels in spaces and writes intention beyond images 68 x 69 cm 2001


學詩渾似學參禪 (行草條幅) 131 x 33.5 cm 1991


腰間寶劍七星聞 (行草條幅) Poem of Sword 135 x 33.5 cm 1987 1997


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簡 介



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