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藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-06-23 16:07:32 | 文章來源: 藝術中國



開幕時間:2009.06.27 週六下午3點

展覽地點威諾裏薩當代藝術中心  北京市朝陽區崔各莊鄉何各莊村一號地藝術園




Uncertainty has seldom been so tangible. Amidst spectacular economic upheaval, cataclysmic environmental change and the seismic thump of weapons testing, we are witnessing the most rapid, and extensive, social and technological changes in human history. The world’s media is awash with confusion and anxiety. This exhibition showcases the work of six emergent artists who have chosen to tackle themes of modern crises ranging from the personal to the universal. Tired of the same regurgitated modes of expression, Yu Benping, Ji Huai, Wang Lei, Tian Lu, Deng Zhen and Zhang Pengye are restlessly seeking alternatives, probing, questioning. Their methods are different and their results remarkable.

By engaging with these concerns in such a vivid and refreshing manner, the artists have raised as many eyebrows as they have questions. The art market may be reeling from the recent economic turmoil, but the art itself is thriving. Crisis…?

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