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藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-06-03 19:16:40 | 文章來源: 藝術中國



主辦: 偏鋒新藝術空間

策展: 王新友

展覽地點: 偏鋒新藝術空間  北京朝陽區酒仙橋路798藝術區2號院B-11

展覽時間: 2009年6月5日~ 7月4日 10: 00~18: 00(星期一休息)

開幕酒會: 2009年6月5日 17: 00~18: 00(星期五)

電話: 86 13341168778,86 10 59789562

傳真: 86 10 59789562

郵箱: pifonewart@hotmail.com









AMEISE, AMEISE—Wu Di’s Solo Exhibition

Artists: Wu Di

Organizer: PIFO New Art Gallery

Curator: Wang Xinyou

Address: PIFO New Art Gallery

B-11, 798 Art Area, No.2 Jiuxianqiao Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

Open Time: 2009.6.5~7.4 10:00~18:00 (Except Monday)

Open Reception: 2009.6.5 17:00~18:00 (Friday)

Tel: 86 13341168778, 86 10 59789562

Fax: 86 10 59789562

E-mail: pifonewart@hotmail.com


“AMEISE, AMEISE”, what does this title mean? It was purely a name with no special meaning. Does WU DI have any meaning? No. It is just a name. When browsing a lot of works hurriedly and seeking for the meaning of each one, Wu Di’s works will pose more questions to you. After appreciating her works, you will find it.

This exhibition, as her first solo exhibition, will show more than thirty works during 2003 to 2009 including multi-media, installation and sculpture. She cares about the outside world, like unhappiness, violence, human beings and animal. All these experiences not only make her feel in anguish, but also make her feel that all the pains come from the outside world. She wants to kill off violence, to suffer for happiness. The heart in her thin body is brave but of pity. Her attitude is negative but also with a faint hope.

Wu Di, the aquarius girl does not have answer to the questions in her works, neither you and me, because we are not mature enough to have the answers.

簡 介



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