遊戲——慾望心電圖 視覺影展

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藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-04-28 13:25:25 | 文章來源: 藝術中國


    主題: 遊戲——慾望心電圖 視覺影展



    Artists:Xi Zhang / Hui Shao / Song Xue

    開幕酒會:2009 年5 月15 日, 下午15:00 pm - 18:00 pm

    第五元素畫廊:(798, 陶瓷二街, 萬紅路南門停車場)

    Reception:15th,May 2009 15:00pm - 18:00pm

    Fifth Element Gallery (798, Ceramics 2nd Street, entry

    from Wan Hong Road south parking lot)

    展覽時間2009 年5 月16 日– 2009 年5 月29 日

    上午10:00 – 下午18:00, 週一休息

    Duration: 16th,May 2009 –29th,May 2009

    10:00 am - 18:00 pm, Closed on Monday


    第五元素畫廊Fifth Element Gallery

    中國北京朝陽區酒仙橋路四號798 藝術區8502 信箱郵編100015


    798 Art Zone, Mailbox 8502, Jiu xian qiao Road, Chao yang District, Beijing, China 100015

    Tel: (86-10) 6432-1338 | (86-10) 5978-9577

    Email: fifth.element.gallery@gmail.com

    Http:// www.798gallery.net












    Record is the ultimate goal of the photography and memory is the value of the photography. Three DNA mixed by all kinds of fashion elements, three crazy resonancefactors dip of the gentleman, the elegant, the future, nostalgia, sexual abuse, violence in the political arena, as well as the desire of violence ECG. To incite or diluted no matter whether, in short, those who keep the cell potential is excellent visual teasing game show of the rough. With all the props such as suit and tie, opera look, whips and bra, scars of the camera, red scarfs and soul of the sea shirt make three enthusiastic guys being performance as well as it may evoke more people involved in the expression of abnormal. Simple games, lost of childhood, there is no much meanings of the combination at the back. All of the images just record the moment of the memories or a extremely crazy show, no matter it showed past, future or nightmare, it could never be repeated. The private memories from the video game became a mass performance in the public, three guys behind the stage desired to show many emotional pieces of the life. The changing visual language is fully illustrated in this show, but the only thing is, for the understanding of the image itself, we did not say anything.

    Zhang Xi : Not revolutionary, not post-80, not the backbone of

    society, and also we are not stand on the waves. We do not want to cry with flags and praise to someone. We just want to give some brief information about the contemporary Chinese photography.

    Shao hui: Originally, fashion is the game that can make everybody crazy, in this world, everyone plays an old game in the new style. But it doesn't matter anyway, sometimes we tried to take the veil of fashion off and show the true face.

    Xue song: Frankly speaking every person in the world is having a

    dream,while the difference between dream and reality is

    huge. I just hope my work can be a ray of sunlight into

    your heart, and dream with you together!


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