建築論壇: 超街區

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藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-04-17 09:47:34 | 文章來源: 藝術中國



    transformation, reinterpretation, reclamation of China’s public space

    Between the harsh commercialization of China's space production and the emergence of increasingly ephemeral, mostly networked communities, the role of public space needs to be redetermined.

    Moderated by: Shi Jian, Che Fei, Wang Mingxian.

    Speakers: Neville Mars, Wang Jun, Ma Xiaowei, Wu Zhaohui, Lin

    Tianxiang, Li Jun, Zhang Ke, Han Yan, Xu Yixing.

    Organized by CU Office, DCF and SPACE Magazine.

    Sat 18 April 4-6pm CU Space, 706 North 3rd Str, 798 Art Zone, Beijing


    鋻於中國目前空間生成的徹底商業化與社區----尤其是網路社區----的日趨固化, 我們需要重新定義中國的城市公共空間。

    發言人:史建, 車飛, 何新城, 韓彥,李軍, 林天祥,馬曉威,王軍,吳朝輝,許義興,張柯. 主持人:史建,建築評論家;王明賢

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