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藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-03-04 15:02:30 | 文章來源: 藝術中國


  開幕:2009年3月14日 週六 16:00

  展期:2009年3月15日 – 2009年4月3日


  地址:前門23號•天安時間當代藝術中心 北京市東城區前門東大街23號



  此次新展中,藝術家將結合天安時間當代藝術中心特殊的空間形態和建築特性,繼續使用生肉、水泥、大理石等日常材料,以其特有的智慧的藝術語言,直面生命與社會現實,傳達動人心魄的藝術力量。"顧德新:2009.3.14"按藝術家的慣例以開幕日期命名。對此,幾乎從不接受採訪的顧德新説過:"觀眾不需要被語言束縛住他們對作品或展覽的看法, 或被名稱來引導思維;另一方面, 一個日期就代表一個事情的結束或者開始, 對我來説,一個展覽的日期是結束, 而對你們來説,是一個開始。"





  電話:86 10 65598008 * 810

  傳真:86 10 65599260



  Gu Dexin:2009.3.14

  Opening:2009.3.14 16:00 Saturday

  Duration: 2009.3.15 – 2009.4.3

  Opening Hours: 10:00 – 22:00 Mondays by appointment only

  Venue: Beijing Center for the Arts at Legation Quarter No.23, Qian Men Dong Da Jie, Dongcheng District, Beijing

  Gu Dexin is one of the world’s most prestigious contemporary artists, widely esteemed for his great foresight within conceptual art during the last two decades. Gu has received national and international critical acclaim; Li Xianting named him “the most avant-garde artist amid the avant-garde”, Huang Zhuan titled him as the one “whose artistic production serves only art” and Fei Dawei honored him as “the best Chinese artist of all”. Now, after all of his past provocative and preeminent artistic achievements and experiments, Gu Dexin will showcase his latest work at Beijing Center for the Arts at Legation Quarter—his first exhibition in the very heart of China.

  As a pioneer of Chinese Conceptual Art, Gu Dexin played a significant role in the early conceptualist “New Analysts Group”. Since his 1989 participation in "Les Magiciens de la Terre" at Center Georges Pompidou in Paris, Gu has been included in several major national and international exhibitions. In his artistic production, Gu uses familiar daily objects- often of vegetable, animal or industrial origins to serve as materials, which directly unveil his radical and provocative viewpoint about the most substantial issues of life and social reality. Critics regard him as one of the few Chinese artists to avoid obvious Chinese symbols and that he probably does the least to explain or market his works. In 2004, the Chinese Contemporary Art Awards (CCAA) honored Gu with their “Outstanding Contribution” award.

  The upcoming exhibition will continue to feature daily materials such as raw meat, cement, and marble combining them with BCA’s specific spatial pattern and structure. With his unique and intelligent artistic language, Gu will convey the sense of tremendous thrill in confronting life and social reality. The title “Gu Dexin: 2009.3.14” is systematically named after the opening date of the art event for according to this low-profile artist, “on one hand, the way the audiences perceive an artwork or an exhibition should not be confined by the use of language. On the other hand, from my personal perspective, the inscription of a date also signifies the opening or closing of an event. For me, this date is a closing. But for others, it is a beginning.”


  He Jie

  Beijing Center for the Arts at Legation Quarter

  No. 23, Qian Men Dong Da Jie, Dong Cheng District, Beijing

  T: 86 10 65598008 * 810

  F: 86 10 65599260



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