
時間:2010-09-06 15:27:21 | 來源:藝術中國

留學>美 國>

[+]Tisch School of the Arts

The Tisch School of the Arts(有人翻作)帝許藝術學校)是1965年成立的,目前約有大學部學生2700位,研究所學生500位,在此藝術學院中又分為幾三個獨立學院,

Institute of Performing Arts

Graduate Acting Program (MFA)演技課程

Department of Dance (BFA,MFA)

舞蹈 Department of Design for Stage and Film電影及舞臺設計



Department of Drama, Undergraduate戲劇(大學部)

Department of Performance Studies(MA,Ph.D)表演藝術研究

Graduate Musical Theatre Writing Program (MFA)音樂劇寫作

Maurice Kanbar Institute of Film and Television

Department of Film and Television(BFA.MFA)電影及電視

Department of Photography(BFA)攝影

Dramatic Writing Program(BFA,MFA)編劇

Interactive Telecommunications Program互動電子媒體課程(ITP)


Jack H. Skirball Center For New Media and Film

Department of Cinema Studies(BFA,MA,PhD)電影研究

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