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藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-05-11 15:56:59 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

Tony Scott New Health Plan Installation 2007





開幕會: 6月6日下午4時至6時

聯絡人: 劉庭羽、李少青





中國藝術項目新作”交易的意義”-由貢嘎嘉措, 亞當 柏格蘭 (英) 和 Tony Scott (澳)三位國際藝術家們攜手于六月在798藝術園區的中國藝術項目畫廊為您呈獻

藝術家們創造了能夠反映和指出所謂的”交易的”作品, 一種廣告性, 産業性和專業性的行為模式。交易的行為和冷冰冰的符號大量的聯結, 例如標誌, 品牌行銷和廣告標語。大量的對物質的佔有慾和消費主義的訊息傳遞變成了政府和私有企業最主要的戰略。


貢嘎在英國生活與工作, 他的作品主要透過在倫敦的羅西和羅西畫廊所經營。他對作品有極高的要求和水準, 北京的民眾極其有幸能夠看到這些被威尼斯雙年展所肯定的藝術家的作品。

貢嘎引起了一陣討論關於外國的態度, 價值觀和行為對西藏人民所帶來的衝擊, 特別是深深地影響了傳統的藏傳佛教。

透過迷你貼紙重疊的效果以及素描所組成佛祖的形象, 藉著食物鏈, 時尚品牌, 娛樂産品和流行文化的題裁體現了文化之間潛移默化的關聯。

亞當 柏格蘭的則是以身分, 地位, 聲望以極傾向英美或庸俗的廣告模式去體現作品的意念。近焦的透視揭露了屬於個人的, 特別意味的主題和形象性的象徵, 創造了分別使作品更具人格化的形象, 重新生産或設計出來的形象和品牌 顛覆了核心的概念。

Tony Scott一系列的新健康計畫作品崇尚物品和形象, 一般而言與中藥西藥相關, 也指出了行銷對醫藥試驗和藥品的重要性。他利用了醫藥的法規彙編意義作為強調死亡和長壽率的基礎概念。

詳細分析三位藝術家的作品, 當顯而易見的記號,代碼和肖像三種關係被分別的一同並置, 此三元素便顛覆了人類的思維, 也可能間接了反映出社會和政治彼此之間的交流。


Adam Bridgland[1] While We Have This Moment

China Art Projects at Digital Art China

798 art district

6 – 30 June 2009.

Opening 4.00 – 6.00pm: Saturday 6 June

Address:E52,No.4,Jiu Xianqiao Lu,Chao Yang District,Beijing,China


Trading Meaning

China Art Projects presents Trading Meaning - new work by three international artists – Gonkar Gyatso and Adam Bridgland (UK) and Tony Scott (Australia) at the DAC Gallery, 798 Art District in June.

The artists produce work which reflects on and refers to ‘trading’ – commercial, industrial and professional activity. Trade practice is inexorably linked to the use of symbols – logos, branding, slogans. The focus on mass communication, generally promoting material possessions and consumerism, is paramount to government and private enterprise strategy.

Gonkar Gyatso is participating in the 2009 Venice Biennale as well as in the 2009 Asia Pacific Triennale in Brisbane, Australia.

Gonkar lives and works in Britain and is managed by Rossi and Rossi Gallery in London. His artworks are high demand and Beijing is fortunate to have the opportunity to see an exhibition featuring this artist with works which will reflect those to be shown in Venice.

Gonkar provokes discourse on the impact of foreign attitudes, values and behaviours on the Tibetan people – in particular, the effect of these elements on the traditional Tibetan culture embedded in Buddhism.

Images of the Buddha are constructed and overlayed with mini-stickers, accompanied by pencil sketches, referencing cultural imperialism in the form of food chains, fashion brands, entertainment industry products and pop culture.

Adam Bridgland’s work is linked to the idea of identity, status, fame and advertising with a heavy leaning towards 'Englishness' or kitsch. Close inspection reveals personal, idiosyncratic text and images which take the form of badges. These in turn create a counter-point to the impersonalised, reproduced design image or ‘brand’ – subverting the intention of the code.

Tony Scott’s The New Health Plan series of works of appropriated objects and images, generally associated with Eastern and Western medicine, refer to the marketing of medical practice and products. He takes the medical codification of meaning as the conceptual basis for installations to address mortality and longevity.

In analysing the work of the three artists, the reading of recognisable symbols, codes and icons is subverted when apparent relationships are differently juxtaposed. The trading of meaning may refer to product or service transference, it might as well refer to interpretation of social or political communication.

The exhibition is generously supported through the Australian Embassy in Beijing.


Gonkar Gyatso File0234


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