專訪美國虎年郵票設計者麥錦鴻(Kam Mak)

時間:2010-02-11 12:45:26 | 來源:藝術中國


ART CHINA: How did you get the chance to design the stamp of the year of Tiger?

Kam Mak:Actually,I was not asked to design the year of Tiger at first, I was asked to design the year Rat,the first animal of Zodiac, by U.S. Postal Service. I got a call from them one day to design the stamp,it was very exciting. It’s a great honor to be asked to create a stamp. More than that, it is a lunar New Year stamp which is part of my own culture. I don’t think it’s a competition,they may have few people in mind. I don't know the process of choosing ,but in the end I was the one they asked to design the lunar new year stamp,I was very excited.



ART CHINACould you introduce yourself?

Kam Mak:My name is Kam Mak. I was born in Hong Kong and immigrated to the U.S. with my parents in 1971. I grow up in Chinatown in New York City. I went to a public high school of Music & Art.From there I went to a very good School of Visual Arts. I was fortunate to win a scholarship of four years. There I was trained as an illustrator. I graduated as a Bachelor of Fine Arts and then worked as an illustrator. I’ve done book cover, magazines, including New York Time, Times, Newsweek. One of the books is “My Chinatown.”



ART CHINAAbout the design of the stamp

Kam Mak:Like previous series, the idea was to use the animal of Chinese zodiac as the central element of the stamp. That was my first approach. I somehow felt something was missing. When I thought about Chinese lunar New Year, there were so many other things than just the zodiac animal. So I talked to the director Ethel Kessler of this project and listed many things about Chinese New Year. Finally I chose narcissus as the main character of the stamp. It was inspired by the tradition my grandmother did every Spring Festival. She will grow Chinese narcissus and put some peddles in the flowerpot. It is said if the narcissus bloom on the first day of Spring Festival, it will bring good luck and fortune to the family in New Year. I think it’s a symbol of Chinese New Year culture.


麥錦鴻:和這個系列的前幾個作品一樣,郵票的設計理念是用生肖動物作為主體,一開始我也是沿著這個思路設計。但是後來我感到似乎有什麼東西丟掉了。當我想到中國的春節,我的腦海裏會出現許許多多的事物,不僅僅是生肖動物。於是我和我們的設計總監Ethel Kessler進行溝通,列出了許多跟春節相關的事物。最後我選擇水仙當做郵票的主體,這也是受了我祖母的啟發。每到春節,她都會種一盆水仙,在花盆裏面放上石子。在中國文化中,如果水仙在初一開花,就會給整個家庭帶來一年的好運。我想它更能代表中國的春節文化。

The paper cut appears on every stamp of the series. So I put it on my stamp. 剪紙圖案在這個系列的郵票上都會出現,我也延續了這種風格。

ART CHINAHow the Americans accept the stamp?

Kam Mak:People in the U.S.A. love the stamp very much. As far as I know, I receive many positive responses. The stamp has two different meanings. It introduces Chinese culture to American people. And it's a great honor endowed by the U.S. government to thank for Chinese Americans who have contributed a lot to build this country. The project was initiated from 2006 and the first stamp came out in 2008.




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