陳若冰1970年生於中國,1988-1991年就讀于浙江美術學院(現中國美術學院),1992-1998就讀並畢業于德國杜塞爾多夫美術學院,師從高博那教授(Prof.Gotthard Graubner),現工作生活于德國杜塞爾多夫和中國北京。藝術家近年參加的重要展覽包括:“陳若冰個展:行者止觀”(今格空間,北京,中國,2015)、 “第三種批判:藝術語言的批判性”(時代美術館,北京,中國,2014)、 “陳若冰:極簡主義+”(永殷當代美術館,光州,南韓,2013)。其作品重要公共收藏包括:中華藝術館(上海,中國),北京時代美術館(北京,中國)、光之舍美術館(嘉興,中國)、虹寶西島博物館基金會(諾伊斯,德國)、杜塞爾多夫藝術宮美術館基金會(杜塞爾多夫,德國)、柏林漢堡州代表處(漢堡,德國)、杜塞爾多夫市政府(杜塞爾多夫,德國)、密德博勒大學美術館(明德,美國)。
Chen Ruo Bing was born in China in 1970. He studied in ZhejiangAcademy of Art (now the China Academy of Art) from 1988-1991.Since 1992 he studied at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf with Prof.Gotthard Graubner and graduated in 1998. He currently lives andworks in Düsseldorf, Germany and Beijing, China. Chen’s mostimportant recent exhibitions include: Chen Ruo Bing - Looking forNow (Ginkgo Space, Beijing, China, 2015), The Third Kind of Critic:Critical Thinking of Art Language (Times Museum, Beijing, China,2014), Chen Ruo Bing - Minimalism+ (Youngeun Museum ofContemporary Art, Gwangju-City, Korea, 2013) etc. His works areincluded in public collections such as China Art Museum (Shanghai,China), Hubei Museum of Art (Wuhan, China), Times Art Museum(Beijing, China), China Academy of Art (Hangzhou, China),Foundation Museum KunstPalast (Düsseldorf, Germany),Foundation Museum InselHombroich (Neuss, Germany), City ofDüsseldorf (Germany), Landesvertretung Hamburg beim Bund(Berlin, Germany), Youngeun Museum of Contemporary Art(Gwangju-City, Korea), Middlebury College Museum of Art(Vermont, USA).