上海藝術研究所所長、《上海藝術家》雜誌主編,中攝協會員。1979年11月創辦全國第一張圖書宣傳專業報《書訊報》。1996年任上海市新聞出版局圖書出版管理處、電子出版處副處長、上海市裝幀藝術委員會常務副主任委員。2000年任上海書畫出版社副總編輯、黨委委員、《書與畫》雜誌主編、創辦《藝術當代》雜誌;擔任《晉唐宋元國寶特集》責任編輯,獲上海市優秀圖書一等獎;擔任《淳化閣帖最善本》責任編輯,獲上海市優秀圖書二等獎;擔任《錦繡文章——中國傳統織繡紋樣》責任編輯,獲上海文藝出版總社(集團)優秀圖書特等獎、上海市新聞出版局優秀圖書特等獎和中華人民共和國新聞出版總署首屆中國出版政府獎提名獎。2009年上海科學普及出版社首任獨立執行董事,完成國家“十一五”重點圖書《藏傳佛教藝術發展史》,獲國家古籍類圖書一等獎 、中華人民共和國國家新聞出版總局第三屆中國出版政府獎提名獎。2012年任上海藝術研究所所長、《上海藝術家》雜誌主編,主持《2012-2013上海藝術發展報告》《2014上海藝術發展報告》,主持上海藝術科學規劃領導小組課題“上海藝術科學規劃調研報告”;“文化大都市指標體系數據”課題等。
ZHOU Bing Head of Shanghai Art Research Institute, Chief Editor of Shanghai Artist, Member of China Photography Associate
1979 Created the first professional newspaper on propagating books Book News.
1996 Deputy Head of book publishing and e-publishing management department of Shanghai News and Publishing Bureau, Member of Shanghai Binding Art Committee
2000 Deputy chief editor at Shanghai Books and Paintings Publishing House, party member, chief editor of Books and Paintings and founder of ArtChina; Editor of Features of National Treasures from Jin, Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties, which won the first prize of Shanghai Excellent Books Award; Editor of Best Edition of ChunHua Ge Tie, which won the second prize of Shanghai Excellent Books Awards; Editor of Chinese Traditional Embroidery Patterns, which won several book awards in Shanghai and nation wide.
2009 CEO of Shanghai Science Publishing House and completed Art History of Tibetan Buddhism, which won several nation wide book awards.
2012 Head of Shanghai Art Research Institute and Chief Editor of Shanghai Artist
Finished Shanghai Art Development Report 2012-2013 and Shanghai Art Development Report 2014, Led the research on academic topics as ‘Researching Report on Shanghai Art and Science Planning’, ‘Index and Data of Cultural Cosmopolitan’, etc.