
時間:2013-09-16 17:12:30 | 來源:藝術中國


副教授,獲得華盛頓大學碩士學位,堪薩斯藝術學院(Kansas City Art Institute)攝影與新媒體專業學士學位。 2013年,羅斯•索耶斯將第三次參加平遙國際攝影大展。他的作品廣泛地在美國和國外展出,作品被許多公共機構和私人所收藏。曾在美國紐約、西雅圖、裏士滿和中國平遙等地舉辦過多次個展和群展。2007年紐約金別克門美術館(Jen Bekman Gallery)舉辦的秋季展會以及2009年塔科馬藝術博物館(Tacoma Art Museum)在紐約舉辦的第九屆西北雙年展均展出了他的作品。他的作品也被許多藝術刊物所採用,包括《Artweek》和《Art Papers》

Assistant Professor; MFA, University of Washington; BFA, Photography and New Media, Kansas City Art Institute.2013 is Ross’s third visit to the Pingyao International Photography Festival. His work has been exhibited widely nationally and internationally and is part of numerous public and private collections. He has had numerous solo and group exhibitions in places such as New York City, Seattle WA, Richmond VA, Pingyao China and others. His work was included in the 2007 Fall Showcase at Jen Bekman Gallery in New York City as well as the "9th Northwest Biennial" at the Tacoma Art Museum in 2009. His work has been reviewed in multiple publications including Artweek magazine and Art Papers magazine.



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