
時間:2011-06-14 17:50:18 | 來源:藝術獨立論壇


“藝術獨立論壇” Arts Independent Forum(AIF)是一個由在藝術文化以及政治、經濟、社會等諸多領域具有影響的個人、企業和組織自願組成的非官方、非營利、純學術、純藝術的民間學術機構。


“藝術獨立論壇”設有主席團、理事會、常務理事會、監事會、秘書處五個機構。“藝術獨立論壇”的活動由年會、經常性活動以及週邊活動組成。每年的12月中上旬舉行年會,年會會址由理事會推舉産生。在年會上將確定論壇下一年度的學術主題併發布中國《當代藝術白皮書》以及頒發“藝術獨立獎”。 “藝術獨立論壇”舉辦的所有活動均遵守中華人民共和國憲法和法律法規,尊重當地的社會道德習俗。



藝術獨立論壇 Art Independent Forum


Art Independent Forum is a purely academic, non-profit public organisation. It upholds academic spirits of independence, advancement, tolerance and justness. Aims to encourage artistic innovation and academic exploration. Also, to promote contemporary cultures, give fresh impetus to the creation, research and dissemination of arts, under the principle of global visions and cutting-edge concepts. The headquarter of the Art Independent Forum based in Tianjin, China. Perennial art related activities will be conducted, including avant-garde exhibition, experimental video, performance, independent music, pioneer drama, marginal literature, relevant seminars and talks etc.

理事會 The Board


The board is the highest authority of the Art Independent Forum, with Chairman, Vice Chairman, Executive Director and Director. The Forum members are formed by influential people who from different art, cultural, economic and social backgrounds.

學術委員會 The Academic Committee


The academic committee is the think tank for the Art Independent Forum. They concern to the current art, cultural, political, economic and social issues. The Committee will determine a theme for the Forum each year through their academic analysis and research.

藝術獨立獎 Independent Arts Award


Every year, with the aim to make progressive development in art cultures and society. The Forum will employ specialists to form a judging panel. According to the global vision and independent academic standard awards granted to outstanding contributors and active performers in the field.

當代藝術白皮書 Contemporary Art White Paper


Annual compilation of Contemporary Art White Paper, concerns the year occurred general phenomenons and significant events in the art field. Pursuing and emphasizing an objective information and documentation on areas such as visual art, performance, film, photography, music and literature.


Organizers:(Listed in no particular order)

中國人民大學藝術學院 School of Arts, Renmin University of China


Renmin University of China, School of Arts is an integrated school with programmes of fine art and music, one of the key priority development colleges, under the “11th Five-year Plan”.

南開大學文學院 The School of Literature, Nankai University


The School of Literature consisted Departments of Chinese Language and Literature, Oriental Art, Communication, Art and Design etc.

栗憲庭電影基金 Li Xianting’s Film Fund


Li Xianting’s Film Fund, a non-profit organisation founded by art critic, Mr Li Xianting in 2006, was launched at the first Beijing Independent Film Festival. Li Xianting’s Film Fund works closely to the local and foreign film organisations to exchange film cultures.

CCD300當代藝術與設計中心 CCD300 Modern Art & Design Center


CCD300 Modern Art & Design Center located at Caochangdi, Beijing. A building area of 2800 m2 , consisted theater, gallery, bookstore, bar, cinema, studio, restaurant and shooting studio etc. CCD300 provides an open platform for dialogue of arts, design and business. External cooperation with different creative product development, project operation and academic research.

泰達當代藝術博物館 INGALLERY


INGALLERY located at Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area. It is a cultural institution for art collection, exhibition and research.

天津鼎順藝術文化傳播有限公司 Tianjin Dingshun Arts Culture Media Company Limited


Tianjin Dingshun Arts Culture Media Company Limited is a business organisation, invests and focuses on arts and cultures.

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