
時間:2011-04-28 15:00:19 | 來源:藝術中國








Lin Tien-Min

President of Lin & Lin Gallery

Born in 1956, Taiwan. Lin starts from the management of Tianshia Gallery and Dimensions Art Center in the 80s, establishes Lin & Keng Gallery in 1992 and sets up Lin & Lin Gallery in 2009 with sole ownership. Lin has accumulated twenty years of professional gallery experiences and dedicates in the promotion of Chinese art, which ranges from Chinese artists in the early stage, for instance Sanyu, Guan Liang, Wu Da-Yu, Zao Wou-Ki, etc and then onto contemporary hard-core mainstream Chinese artists, for instance, Wang Huaiqing, Su Xiaobai, Lu Hsien-Ming, Kuo Wei-Kuo, Chen Chieh-jen, Liu Wei, Yin Zhaoyang and etc.

Lin & Lin Gallery

Lin & Lin Gallery is propelled by strong cultural sense of mission to put together a holistic and multi-dimensional history of Chinese art in the early 20th century. Holding firmly on the belief of “extending the past accomplishments and creating the classics of tomorrow,” Lin & Lin Gallery continues to discover Chinese artists who are of great potentiality and hopes to promote new Chinese cultural aesthetics, helping Chinese artists in different regions and generations to create a higher aesthetic recognition and to expand and extend a wider world vision of art. Lin & Lin Gallery hopes to foster the classic contemporary Chinese art and also to become a world vision collectional gallery.

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