
時間:2010-04-28 10:11:00 | 來源:藝術中國



葉強 1993年起,曾分別供職于珠海巨人集團、深圳黎明網路公司、華為公司;2002年出任雅昌藝術網公司的總經理,為雅昌網的發展奠定了堅實的基礎,目前該網站是國內最大的專業藝術網站;2006年創辦北京天祿琳瑯公司(Artvip Co.,LTD.)。2009年參與深圳文化産權交易所的籌建和創辦工作,是深圳文化産權交易所交易模式的主要設計者之一。2010年3月被聘為深圳文化産權交易所的特別顧問,同時天祿琳瑯公司成為深圳文化産權交易所的授權交易商。2009年參與創立中立藝術策略有限公司(Middle Art Co.,LTD),並任總經理。

Mr. Ye were served on the Zhuhai Giant Group, Shenzhen Liming Network Co.,LTD., Huawei Technologies Co.,LTD. since 1993; in 2002 worked as the General manager of the Ya Chang Art Network, and For its development laid a solid foundation, now the network is the largest professional art website; in 2006 founded the company -the board of Beijing Artvip Co.,LTD. in 2009 Participate in the building and the creation of the Shenzhen Cultural Property Exchange, and is One of the main designers in Trading patterns.In March,2010 Was appointed special adviser to the Shenzhen Cultural Property Exchange,and Beijing Artvip Co.,LTD. became the Shenzhen Cultural Property Exchange 's authorized dealers. In 2009 Participate in the creation of the Middle Art Co.,LTD. and served as General Manager.

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