Mary Dinaburg

時間:2010-04-28 10:10:38 | 來源:藝術中國


Mary Dinaburg

Mary Dinaburg, Mary畢業于普拉特學院,獲繪畫藝術碩士學位。她曾任教于費城藝術大學和普拉特學院。曾參與了社會研究新學院藝術管理課程和紐約大學藝術系及藝術職業教育研究生級別課程的開發。


1993年成立了Dinaburg Arts 公司,為個人和企業提供策展顧問和諮詢服務,自公司創建以來,Mary積極拓展私人客戶收藏品的收購與出售業務,同時不斷與新嶄露頭角及已成名的藝術家合作辦展和出售作品。 Mary還擔任俄羅斯聖彼得堡基洛夫劇院顧問,協助他們的文化行銷與CEC-Artslink為非營利組織提供建議。


Mary還擔任顧問和高偉紳國際律師事務所的顧問與策展人。與高偉紳律師事務所一起,Dinaburg Arts公司建立了全面的策展方案,包括迴圈展覽、教育講座、遊覽與活動以及收購項目。高偉紳律師事務所還擴大了它在藝術領域的社會影響,最顯著的是通過贊助一項為期三年的軍械庫展覽。

2006年,與霍華德•盧特考斯基(Howard Rutkowski)一起,創辦了Fortune Cookie Projects項目,在遠東地區策劃和組織主要國際藝術家的展覽。Fortune Cookie Projects項目還廣泛地與來自亞洲的藝術家合作,為機構和商業場所策劃展覽,為企業和私人收藏提供服務,同時其也是魅力新加坡博覽會(Showcase Singapore)的主辦者。

Mary is a graduate of Pratt Institute with a MFA in painting. She has also taught at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia and at the Pratt Institute. During the 1980s she served as director of the Jack Shainman Gallery.

Mary Dinaburg is and a partner in Fortune Cookie Projects, an art advisory and curatorial firm with offices in Singapore and New York. She established Dinaburg Arts in 1993 to provide curatorial advice and consultation services for individuals and corporations. In 2006, together with Howard Rutkowski, she started Fortune Cookie Projects to curate and organise exhibitions of major international artists throughout the Far East. Fortune Cookie Projects also works extensively with artists from Asia, curating exhibitions for institutional and commercial venues and placing work in corporate and private collections.

With the founding of Dinaburg Arts, Mary expanded her involvement with acquisitions and de-accessions for private clients, while continuing to work directly with emerging and established artists for exhibition and sale. Mary also served as a consultant to the Kirov Theatre in St Petersburg Russia to assist with their cultural marketing and with CEC-Artslink to advise on marketing for nonprofit organizations.

For four years Dinaburg Arts worked with Saks Fifth Avenue, developing the Saks Project Art program that commissioned artists to create art works for the windows and developed and implemented the acquisitions program for retail stores in the US. The Saks project was the very first by the fashion industry to feature contemporary art as an integral part of corporate identity and branding.

Additional clients include Hermès in New York. Dinaburg Art has worked with Firmenich, the Swiss perfume company, to provide special in-house programs about creativity and the creative process. Dinaburg Arts also instituted a corporate art collection at 14 Wall Street, managed by the Capstone Group.

Mary’s interest in education is reflected in her development of the arts administration programs for The New School for Social Research and at the graduate level at New York University, Department of Art and Art Professions.

From 2004 to 2007 Mary was the curator for Gallery W52, managed by Hines Interests. Mary has also served as advisor and curator for Clifford Chance, the international law firm. With Clifford Chance, Dinaburg Arts established a comprehensive curatorial program, including revolving exhibitions, educational lectures, tours and events as well as an acquisitions program. Clifford Chance also expanded its community involvement in the arts, most notably with a three-year sponsorship of The Armory Show.

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