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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-09-06 11:31:12 | 文章來源: 卓克藝術網

Victoria Lu, who formerly held the position of Creative Director of the Museumof Contemporary Art Shanghai, tookover as Creative Director of the TodayArt Museumin Beijingin August of this year. At the TodayArt Museum, she will oversee the museum’s special exhibitions and scholarly publications.

Born in Taiwan, Lu went to Belgiumin 1971 to study at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts. In 1973 she immigrated to the United States, where she earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts and Master of Fine Arts degrees.

In 1978 she established an alternative exhibition space for Conceptual Art in Southern California. She was the first female art critic and curator in the Chinese contemporary art world.

While in the United States, Lu served on the Board of Directors of the LosAnglesMunicipalArtGallery. After moving back toTaiwanshe hosted Taiwan TV’s “CultureCenter”program, and she helped the Mayor of Taipeifounded and served on the Board of Directors of the Museumof Contemporary Art Taipei.

Since coming to mainland Chinain 2003, Lu has served as the Art Director of the Bund 18 Creative Center in Shanghai, the Creative Director of the Museumof Contemporary Art Shanghai, and the Creative Director of the First Shanghai eArts Festival. She also worked directed the Moon River Museum of Contemporary Art in Beijing.

Lu’s publications include Post-Modern Phenomena in Art, Public Art Gets Its Bearings, History of Taiwan Contemporary Women Artists, and Post Post-Modern Art.

She currently teaches at Shih-chienUniversityin Taipeiand serves as an academic member of the board of the Beijing Cultural Development Foundation. She is a member of the board of the Asian Art Program of the GuggenheimMuseumin New York, as well.

The theory of Animamix aesthetics that Lu has developed has influenced art production around the world. She is the founder of the Animamix Biennial, which was first held in 2007.

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