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藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-03-03 14:41:24 | 文章來源: 藝術中國


  The perceptual present of emotional consideration


  Now, art works are no longer a few persona products for admiring but gradually become the talented consciousness accomplished by each individual. What is an art piece? It should be results of self-consciousness. Since this consciousness is related to feelings, it becomes a kind of individual comprehension which is presented by the arts form reflecting the “sympathy” of human beings. Thus, a great art piece could always communicate with the inner mind of humans and result in resonance. So, it is important for artists to be great in the percept of various atmospheres in life, especially the incisive social atmospheres for they could intensively represent the social trends, time tempo and nature of life. Embracing flaming passions, calm meditations and even practical actions, it interlaces with fates, needs and expectations of human beings and thus to some extent brings to light the inner life meaning under the existent living status.

  作為美的藝術,它應該是透過形式的找尋和創造,而積澱著生命的力量,時代的激情,從而使此形式自身具有生命、力量和激情,而繪畫藝術,恰恰是通過把感性形象的素材經過理性的分析和深入的思考,再回到感性這一齣發點的藝術加工,去實現人類生存的最高精神層次,也就是人生的意味,生命的存在和命運的悲傖。為了在人類精神空間中充分感受生命的存在狀態,為了帶給人們更深層次的哲學思考與生命體驗,當代眾多藝術家都在不同層面上作種種不同的探索,其中王桂勇 SanJie就是這樣一位頗為突出的具有獨特藝術面貌的畫家。

  Fine arts should be the seeking and creation through forms depositing the strength of life and passion of times which are thus endowed to forms. And to realize the supreme spiritual level of human existence-the life meaning, existence and fate grief, painting is actually the art processing which backs to the perceptual point after the rational analysis and deep consideration on the perceptual materials. In order to bring people with deeper philosophy thoughts and life experience and also let people truly feel about the existent status, many contemporary artists strive to explore in many different aspects and among them SanJie is a prominent painter having the peculiar art style.

  也就是從近幾年開始,王桂勇 SanJie創作了大量的“眾生像”系列。在他的畫室裏,我第一次看到王桂勇 SanJie畫的一批頭像系列,面對那些頗有誇張意味和強烈表現力的頭像,給了我強烈的震撼,一種當下人們精神生存空間的危機感油然而生。此後,這種感覺,在好長時間內揮之不去,也許這種資訊正是王桂勇所要向人們傳遞的,就此而言,不能不説王桂勇 SanJie已取得了一定的成功。

  During recent years, SanJie created many series of “man faces”. I went there to visit his studio where I saw for the first time his series of head portraits which were very exaggerative and powerful and gave me strong impacts making me feel the crisis of human spiritual living space. Thereafter, for a very long time this feeling couldn’t be wiped off from my mind and maybe this is the just information which Wang Guiyong want to express to people. So, in viewing this, we could not but say SanJie has already achieved some success.


  These various absurd head portraits, which although are deeply pressed by life burden but cater to life fakes, really touched people with a deep understanding of human existence and encounters unmasking some spiritual state of contemporary people. And this is also a reflection and suspicion to living ways of nowadays flocks. The “skin of face” series is undoubtedly the reasoning and suspecting on people’s way of living-under heavy burdens in life people can not help but facing life with deceptive faces and this kind of false communication between people breaks through the last line of defense-the skin of face, pieces of faces that are extruded by life are deprived by ruthless realities and remain only skins which are also distorted endlessly…even, this false catering leaves no room to the only existent faces but diversiform mouths. In another painting of him “life status-mouths”, various twisted mouths are jammed together…the living status is up to this point, then what a huge crisis exists in people’s living space. This crisis isn’t the real substantial space but is derived from the poor spiritual life. At this moment, if we go back, to some children’s head portraits of his would bring us even more feelings of crisis for on those seemingly real faces, we could read some perplexity and hypocrisy from their eyes and they are gradually heading to the miserable spirit hell under realistic influences.


  Facing such strong expressive and visual impact works, what on earth the kind of task remained for you? Sweetness, acid, bitterness or piquancy? It’s hard for us to depict clearly by words but only comprehend some meaning in mind. Where’s the truth of life? How could we find the path to access such truth? And what’s the meaning of this living style? Maybe the state of life is repeating, hard working, repeating again and hard working again, and the occasional strong feelings of love, hatred, passion and enmity are disturbers to the random code of life. The essence of living is the up growing of “meaning” from these seemingly “insignificance” and thus further represent the deeper meaning of life. Couldn’t you sense too much numbness and also great impotence in reality that result in this distorted value of life? And don’t you think you yourself should shoulder some responsibility of waking up the consciences of people to digest life and fate?

  從作品本身來看,王桂勇 SanJie的這些創作,確實存在著某種情緒化,在經過深入思考,理性化之後,他還能回到感性的出發點讓情緒充分呈現,實在是作為一個畫家的難能可貴之處,這種情緒化的感性顯現,正是王桂勇SanJie這些作品的動人之處,就此而言,我們可以從中得到一個這樣的啟示:那就是藝術是表達情感的,只有回到感性才能使感性常新,審美常新,進而藝術常新。王桂勇 SanJie認為:藝術家創作靈感應當植根于他的世俗生活與精神生活中,不過藝術從來不是生活的簡單翻版,更不是生活的橫向位移,它應是生命情感的象徵性形式,既然是象徵性的,就必須經過深入思考。之後,他便用簡率概括而靈動的筆觸讓創作頃刻間射出,因此,他的作品大多是大色彩、大筆觸,試圖在捕捉眾生像的最複雜思考,最簡單表達的瞬間中揭示形象的潛在意義,或許有人認為此種表達過於原始和簡單,但是就是這種簡單直接的方式,以感性誇張的風格樣式,給了人們以視覺的衝擊和震撼,進而拉近了與人類內心深處的——靈魂之間的距離,啟發人們在欣賞他此種生命狀態的描繪中,去思考我們內在的人生意味。

  There exits some emotional things in these works by SanJie who after the rational process of deep consideration could back to the perceptual beginning to fully express emotions. And this is the rarest quality of an artist. This kind of perceptual represent of emotions is just the moving point of his works. So, from this we could get such illumination: art is to express feelings but only the return of emotions could refresh sensibility, taste and further arts. Wang Guiyong believes that the inspiration of artists is rooted in the worldling and spiritual life, but art is never the simple copy of life nor lateral displacement of life. Actually it should be the symbolic form of emotions and since it is symbolic then it has to undergo deep thoughts. Thereafter, he transiently does his paintings by concise and vivid strokes. So most his works are in big colors and strokes trying to gain the most complicated thinking on human portraits and discovering the potential meaning of forms in the simplest expressive moment. Some may think this kind of expression too primitive and simple, but it is this simple straight way and the emotionally extravagant style that catch people by visual storms and then shorten the distance to sole-the deep inner of mankind and enlighten people to think about the meaning of life while appreciating his paintings about life status.

  “繪畫很難談,繪畫需要看”。以上只不過是我本人對王桂勇作品的一點粗略看法與感受。如果你想了解王桂勇 SanJie,就來看他的畫吧!如果你能從中體驗到一種生命的存在狀態,引發起一點哲學思考,我想這樣就夠了,這正是王桂勇 SanJie所要向你努力傳遞的,也正是他所期待的。

  “It is hard to talk about art for it needs appreciating” the above is only my views and feelings about works of SanJie. If you want to further understand him, see his painting. I think it is enough if only you could experience some kind of extent living status for it’s just what he expected from the viewers.


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