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藝術中國 | 時間: 2007-06-21 11:15:13 | 文章來源: 美術同盟


開幕酒會:2007.07.07 週六 下午16:00
開放時間:週二至週六 11:00–18:00,週日至週一12:00–18:00
諮詢電話:86 21 62773062




Long Hair No Hair

--Li Bo & Lei Benben's Double Solo Exhibition


Private View: 2007.07.07 Saturday 4:00 PM

Exhibition Duration: 2007.07.08–2007.07.31

Opening Hour: 11:00–18:00(Tuesday to Saturday)

12:00–18:00(Sunday to Monday)

Address: 201, Building3, No.50 Moganshan Road, Putuo District, Shanghai

More Info: 86 21 62773062


    BEIJING ART NOW GALLERY in Shanghai is pleased to present a Double Solo Exhibition of two young photographers Li Bo and Lei Benben on July 7th ---- Long Hair No Hair.

    As a new generation artists, Li Bo and Lei Benben do not follow the traditional rule for their photographic creation. Li Bo reproduces his photos with the texture through mashing the gravel and muddling up the cords, and then spraying the photographs on the surface of the mixture, by such he endows his photography the character of oil painting and mural. He made the lavish installation of Chinese chess by the similar thoughts, all of which have demonstrated the young artist's strong eagerness of perusing the experimental visual experience. This is also imperceptibly breaking the boundary among each school of arts, among art work and people's life for us.

    Lei Benben's photographs, on the other hand, stem from her constant handset shooting lasting a whole year long. Lei Benben is obsessed with her poetic world deducting from the ecstatic color and blurred images she made, through the pictures of the fairylike colors, she has twisted our ordinary life, and dramatically reconstructed another self. In DANCING ON THE CLIFF, Lei Benben enlarges the stage-played effects of her mobile-phone photographs: she forges a scene of a fairy tale with puppies, leaving the rest of the story finished by the audience. Everyone seems have obtained a pleasant sensation from the view of her mythology. Another set of works THE PASSION OF LIFE involves in the very details of daily life by the existence of mobile-phone's eye, mixing up the fantasy and reality.



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