王懷慶 王懷慶、王田田版畫新作展

時間:2011-02-24 10:35:53 | 來源:雅昌藝術網


展覽時間: 2007-04-01~2007-04-18

開幕酒會: 2007-04-01 16:00

展覽地點: 3818庫畫廊

主辦單位: 3818庫畫廊





Wang Huaiqing in the early ‘nineties created his superb series of paintings of interiors that combined a purely Chinese visual world with a feeling for abstract design that makes them particularly accessible to Western viewers. But Wang Huaiqing insists that the roots of his style are deep in Chinese culture, and above all his awareness of himself as a Chinese at a critical moment in modern Chinese history. “I really look down,” he wrote to me recently, “on those whose work is ‘designed by foreign counties and constructed by Chinese’”. But, he says, “I dare to break the chain of thought that had ruled China for many years, based on the pain and sensitivity of Chinese intellectuals and their awakening, and based on my own undying heart towards art” There things motivate him: his perceptions of traditional China and its relation with the modern world; his own memories of life; and his search for the essential order of painting.

mdash;—Michael Sullivan, Oxford, February,2001

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