維塔斯▪盧克斯 現實之外

時間: 2016-10-10 21:43:04 | 來源: 藝術中國

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維塔斯▪盧克斯 現實之外Vitas Luckus. Beyond Reality

維塔斯▪盧克斯(1943-1987)是立陶宛攝影的原始開創者之一。20世紀60年代以來他對立陶宛攝影學校的建立作出了巨大的貢獻,他創作了很多卓越的經典攝影作品並在應用攝影領域取得了很大的成就。然而,傳統攝影對維塔斯來説是遠遠不夠的:他開始構建他自己獨特的影像世界,同時結合現實和幻想;這個世界的構成、顏色或者觀察的切入點徹底改變了他對待現實的感知。在創造性工作和傳統生活方式上面跳出傳統思維定式,維塔斯似乎一直在週邊行走。他的能力,與周邊世界直接的親密關係以及他對他作品特徵的才能表達使他在其他藝術家中脫穎而出。Vitas Luckus (1943–1987) is one of the most original figures in Lithuanian photography. Since 1960s he had contributed to the formation of Lithuanian photography school, created many remarkable works of classical photograph and successfully worked in the field of applied photography. However, conventional photography was not enough for him: he started constructing his peculiar world of images while combining reality and fantasy; the world where composition, colour or point of viewing altered the perception of reality drastically. Being out-of-the-box personality in terms of both creative work and traditional lifestyle in general, Vitas seemed to walk in the periphery. He stood out from the others because of his energy and immediate and extremely close relation to the surrounding world and because of the ability to render the features in his works. 

儘管維塔斯是一個真正的傳奇,不僅僅是在立陶宛,還在在整個蘇聯,但是維塔斯只有過幾個短暫的個人攝影展,他並沒有活著看到他的作品出版在任何刊物上。在這個藝術家戲劇性的去世後,他的遺孀塔尼亞離開立陶宛定居在了美國,並帶走了維塔斯所有的攝影作品。之後花了超過20年的時間才重新發現了這個藝術家的創作遺産:在2013年的維塔斯▪盧克斯攝影回顧展“讓我們進入一個新的世界”在維爾紐斯國家美術館舉辦(展覽的策展人是Margarita Matulytė);在2014年這個藝術家的專著在阿爾勒國際攝影節上榮獲了歷史圖書獎的提名。通過這種方式,盧克斯的名字最終開始進入了世界攝影史。Despite being a true legend not only in Lithuania but also in the entire Soviet Union, Vitas had just a few personal exhibitions and did not live to see any solid publication of his works. After dramatic death of the artist, his widow Tania left to the USA with all his photography archive. It took more than 20 years to rediscover creative legacy of the artist: in 2013 a retrospective of photography by Vitas Luckus Let’s Enter a New World was held in the National Gallery of Art in Vilnius (the curator of the exhibition was Margarita Matulytė); in 2014 the artist’s monograph was awarded in the nomination Historical Book Award in the international photography festival Rencontres d‘Arles. In this way, the name Luckus has finally started its way into the history of world photography.

在此介紹了維塔斯▪盧克斯最富有概念性和創造性的攝影作品:攝影系列 重回復古攝影(1969年至1983年),甜蜜心情(1975-1983),啞劇(1968-1972),即興啞劇(1971-1973),肖像特寫(1968年至1986年)和在他去世幾週前創造的系列 白色背景(1987年)。在這個展覽上展出的所有系列都揭示了這個藝術家對待藝術媒介非傳統的姿態,他試圖超越傳統形式,讓自己走出思維的局限性。Inside-Out Art Museum introduces the most conceptual part of Vitas Luckus creative work: photography series A Take on Vintage Photography (1969–1983), Sweet Mood (1975–1983), Mimes (1968–1972), Improvising Pantomime (1971–1973), Close-up Portrait (1968–1986) and the series created a few weeks prior to his death Against a White Background (1987). All the series introduced in the exhibition reveal the artist’s unconventional attitude to media, his attempt to overstep it as well as to overstep himself and the limitations of thinking.


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