
時間:2010-04-26 16:08:49 | 來源:藝術中國

青澀淑女·水災.偽裝1  油畫  120x150cm    Camouflage No.2       Oil Painting on canvas      120x150cm  2007

青澀淑女·水災9  油畫  120x150cm    The Flood No.9         Oil Painting on canvas      120x150cm  2007

青澀淑女水災3 油畫120x140cm  2006   The Flood NO.3   Oil Painting on canvas      120x140cm  2006

青澀淑女水災·壞小孩1  油畫  120x150cm    Bad Boy No1       Oil Painting on canvas      120x150cm  2007

青澀淑女水災·壞小孩2   油畫  120x150cm    Bad Boy No.2       Oil Painting on canvas      120x150cm  2007

青澀淑女水災·鄰家小孩  油畫  150x180cm    The Neighbor kids         Oil Painting on canvas       150x180cm  2007

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